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Dive Photo Guide
Rod Klein


United States
Years Shooting:




Destinations I've Dived
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# of Dive Trips Per Year
0 trips per year

Rod Klein

Rod Klein is a digital artist, photographer, videographer, web designer, and writer. Earning a Master of Fine Arts Degree in photography and video from UCLA Rod also studied at the prestigious Art Center College of Design in Los Angeles. Before becoming a PADI Instructor in 1992, Rod worked in the television industry as an editor, graphics designer, and director. Once he got wet doing a resort dive at Club Med, Rod once said to a friend: I see my future, and it\'s underwater! Rod\'s work as been published in a number of magazines including Scuba Diving Magazine (US), Sport Diver (US), Asian Diver, and Sportdiving Australia and Fathoms Magazine. Rod is currently a field editor for Sport Diving Australasia and he was the former digital editor for Fathoms Magazine. Rod\'s images and videos have been recognized in numerous photo contests including Epic, LAUPS, and NCUPS. In 2004 Rod\'s video, Adventure Beyond Compare won 1st Place in the LAUPS competition, and in 2005 his Hairy Frogfish won 1st Place in the Print Category in NCUPS Sea 2005 competition. In addition, Rod conducts digital workshops at various resorts and liveboards: these have included a number of Aggressor vessels, Kungkungan Bay Resort, N. Sulawesi, and Ocean Rover, Thailand. He will be conducting a digital workshop at the Beneath The Sea Show held in NY in March 2006. Rod was a judge at the Asian Diver Shootout held in North Sulawesi July 2005 and will be a featured speaker at Celebrate The Sea in Singapore, April 2006. Over the years Rod has married his fine art, design, and television background with his diving skills and is designing websites for dive operators, and writing articles and shooting images for dive and travel related companies. Rod is single, lives in Venice Beach, California with his border collie, Angie.

What I look for in a Dive Operator:
Freedom and flexibility. Dive operations that cater to large groups of divers, who are either new or just dive a couple of times a year, tend of have strict rules that they apply to everyone regardless of experience or ability. As a photographer, and a responsible diver, I need to know that when I jump in the water I\'m not going to have some young divemaster with 100 dives banging on their tank and telling me to go shallower if I\'m deeper than 80 feet. I am an adult and a very experienced diver and I want the operators that I dive with to treat me that way.

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