Destinations I've Dived
Destinations I want to Dive
# of Dive Trips Per Year
0 trips per year |
Roy Beard
Our talk was cut short by the arrival of Big Mike, the head chef of the camp. It wasn’t just a clever nickname, as the man seemed like he could easily pick me up. Even though age had some weight on him, he was still a formidable man in his 40’s. He quickly recruited the two of us into helping him finish up dinner. I followed the printed out instructions for garlic bread while Becca made salads.
As we worked, we got to know each other a bit. I told her about how I got involved with OA as a high schooler, becoming one of the avid Adventurers who went on every excursion I could. I told her about my volunteering at Greenpines, a position filled by high school and college students for only a few weeks at a time. I showed her the scar I got from the ropes course right above my eye, and she called it sexy.
She told me about how she was from Chicago, and got involved in OA out there. The camp she’s been to had newer go karts, but she’s heard rumors of a gas powered beasts that Greenpines had. She was a self described ‘grease monkey’, and she couldn’t wait to get her hands on them. She also told me a bit about her schooling, she was an engineering student, and the desire to design cars. We discovered similar interests in our musical and movies taste.
By the time we finished dinner, more people were moving about the kitchen. We met other members of the kitchen staff and a couple more interns. When we were relieved of our duties, we made sure to find spots at a table together.
There were close to 50 people at the dinner. Just over a dozen of us were interns, and the rest were permanent camp staff and their families. We got the welcome talk as we ate, the camp director pepping us up to have "the best summer ever." He gave us the rundown of the schedule for the next couple of weeks, telling us when the volunteers and campers would arrive. Last, he pointed out which interns would need to see which members of the staff for their job training tomorrow.
After dinner, all the interns made their way back to the Run to get to know each other. I’d already met a few, but now I got to meet Ali, Sara, Jackie, Tori, Lauren, Mike, Ben, Mark, and Kalanz. Most of us were just out of college, or about to graduate, and we were from all over the country. We spent the evening playing games to get to know each other, the whole thing breaking down eventually to individual conversations. One by one, people peeled off to bed.
I found out I was bunking with Ben, Mark, and Kalanz. We talked a little bit more in the room, but all of us were beat from the various trips. I had a hard time falling asleep in the semi comfortable bed, and the snoring of one of my roommates didn’t help. Around 2 am, I decided I needed to clear my head, and I pulled on some clothes to step outside.
Closing the door behind me, I discovered the night was chillier than I expected for the month of may. I shivered slightly, but it was not unbearable. As I slowly moved down the stairs so as to not make a sound, I discovered I wasn’t alone. Another intern, Tori, was sitting by the firepit on one of the logs around it, looking up at the night sky. She turned to me as I made my way down, and she smiled bright through the moonlight.
"Is it okay if I join you?" I asked, the sound of my own voice surprising me. I hadn’t noticed how quiet it was.
"Please do," she said, patting the spot next to her.
I slipped into the seat, "You couldn’t sleep either, huh?"
She shook her head and said, "It always takes me a few days to get used to a new bed. I thought I would come check out the stars in the meantime."
I nearly asked what she meant, but one glance up told the story. The sky was dark and full of stars, more than I had ever seen. It was like a salt shaker had spilled over the entire night sky. There were no lights to hide them here.
"Wow," I felt myself say.
"Pretty neat, right?" She giggled. "I’m from a small town, and we still can’t see this many."
I looked back at her, my eyes having adjusted a bit more. My first thought was about how beautiful she was, strikingly so. I had noticed it before, but here, one on one, it was something else. In the light, I had seen that she had chestnut hair and bright green eyes. She wore a pair of running shorts and a tanktop with a sports bra. She had the build of a runner, lithe and graceful. There was a natural sweetness to her face, as if you would feel bad using a curse word in front of her. I realized I had been studying her face for a while and wasn’t talking.
"Um, yeah," I sputtered out. "I’m from a pretty big city, and we don’t seven see a fraction of this."
"That’s too bad," she teased, "sittin’ out and looking at the night sky is one of my favorite things to do."
"Well yeah, if you’re in a small town and there’s nothing else to do," I said with a quickly forming grin.
She gave me a mock gasp, putting on the right amount of "offended".
We sat in silence for a moment, just enjoying the sky and one another before she yawned.
"I need to try and sleep again," she said. "We’re starting waterfront briefing at 6."
I nodded, "I guess I’ll see you at breakfast then."
"Goodnight," she said as she stood up and walked towards the door.
"Goodnight," I echoed.
My eyes tracked her, falling on her ass for a moment. Even in the dark, I could tell how nice it was. I looked back up the sky, her yawn infecting me. I eventually made my way back up the stairs and to bed myself.
The next morning, I met up with Charles after breakfast, one of the property staff. He showed me where all the equipment was, most of it a mess. My job for the day was sorting it all out, figuring out what worked and what didn’t, and organizing. Between the two different sound booths, it took me most of the day. Whoever had been using this place over the year had not been considerate, and trash and useless junk was everywhere. Once those were cleaned up, I spent my afternoon cleaning out the Green Machine, the mobile sound booth used to bring music to all sorts of events.
At dinner, we all talked about our jobs. Becca was a bit of a mess, but she had the biggest smile on her face.
"You’ve gotta come out tomorrow," she told me. "I’m gonna be running the carts to test them out."
"You’ve got it," I agreed, the excitement creeping in.
On the walk back, I got to check in with Tori, who was exhausted from running drills all day. All the interns played and talked a bit back at the Run, but people were in bed much earlier than the night before. I woke up a couple of times, but it wasn’t hard for me to go back to sleep.
The next morning, Charles showed me how to drive the Green Machine. It had the bare minimum of car parts of run, surrounded by wood that had many layer of green paint. It was what I imagined driving a parade float would be like. After practicing for a while, I got the hang of it and returned it to it’s spot beside the maintenance shed, a part of camp hidden from view by the camp office and volunteer lodging.
I caught up with a few of the interns at lunch, including Tori who seemed exhausted by the intense training. She had no makeup on, and her hair was pulled back in a ponytail, but she had this natural glow that drew me to her.
"It’s nothing new from what I learned as a lifeguard," she told me between bites of her sandwich. "It’s just running the drills and learning the procedures. But anyway, how’s the sound stuff coming along?"
"It’s much less physically demanding," I told her. "I’ve got everything set up, I just need to get the playlists made for the different events. I’ll have a lot more work when the Coordinators arrive."
"I’ve never been very good at that kind of stuff," she said with a slight blush. "It takes me forever to discover new bands."
I felt myself get really excited as I said, "I have a bunch I would love to show you then."
Her full lips curled slightly and she nodded, "Okay! Sounds great."
As lunch wound down, I realized I never caught a glimpse at Becca. Her boss, an older guy with a grey and white beard with tobacco stains around the mouth, had come in at some point and grabbed food before heading out again. I grabbed an extra cookie off a table and decided to see if she wanted it, just in case she hadn’t gotten one. My day was pretty free anyway.
The ridge runner track is across the mountain road that the camp sits on. If you follow the dirt road that juts off the paved main one, you’ll find a fork in it after a bit. Heading left takes you to the bike shack and the camp staffers homes. Going right leads you to the old lake, and just beyond that is the ridge runner course. It’s a looped dirt track that campers get to race around in groups of six to face mud pits, fallen logs, and tight corners. There’s always a few crashes a summer, but the injuries are rarely worse than a scrape.
The sun was high in the sky by the time I arrived, and I knew I would need to invest in a hat and sunglasses from the camp store. I heard the rumbling of a ridge runner as I approached the garage, and I saw one whip out of the forest by the time I reached it. Becca was in the driver’s seat, a pair of goggles on her face and a bandana around her mouth. I walked up to greet her when she pulled it back to the garage.
"Hey dude," she pulled down her bandana to reveal a smile. When she pulled off the goggles, I nearly laughed at the bright pinkness of her face compared the dust covered rest of her.
"Having fun?" I asked with a grin.
She crawled out of the cart and stood in front of me, looking like a true badass. Her hair, windswept and dusty, fell about her face. The bandana remained around her neck, loosely resting on her exposed shoulder. Her tight black tanktop and ripped jeans showed off how fit she really was, and standing with one hip cocked made her seem like trouble.
"Gotta make sure they run before the kids get on the course," she said as she tossed the goggles in a nearby bin.
She cut the motor off and had me help her push it back into the garage. I spied find her boss near the back, working on the engine of one of them. He didn’t even look up at us as we entered the area. The rest of the carts sat outside, waiting to be tested. I offered her the cookie, and she nearly snatched it from my hands.
"How’ve things been out here?" I asked.
She smiled at me and said, "So far so good. We’ve tuned them up and they all seem to be ready to go, except number nine back there."
My eyes followed as she gestured to the cart her boss was working on. I saw, just over his hunched shoulder, a painted number 9 on the metal frame of the runner. Looking around, I saw the rest of the cards were similarly numbered all the way from one to twelve.
The call of "Fuck! Shit!" erupted from the back of the garage, catching us both by surprise.
Becca rushed towards her boss who was pulling himself up from his sitting position.
"Everything okay?" She asked.
The old man shook his head, "The belt snapped on me. I’m fine, but I gotta run into town to get a replacement. We used our last one a couple of weeks ago."
"Alright," she said as she checked out the engine.
"Just test the rest of the carts and put them away when you’re done. I’ll be back in a couple of hours."
He gathered his things and got in his beat up truck, pulling away from the garage and leaving the two of us alone. Becca turned to me with the mischievous eyes, like a child who knew where the cookies were hidden.
"So, wanna help me test these things out?" She said.
I nodded and said, "Hell yeah."
"Awesome," she grinned, "let’s race then. Three laps."
We got two more carts ready and moved them to the start line. She handed me a pair of goggles and a helmet.
"You weren’t wearing one of these when I walked up," I pointed out as I pulled my helmet on.
"I was just driving them around the course," she said, "racing is a bit more intense."
I climbed into my cart and got buckled in. When we were both ready, Becca gave me the thumbs up.
"On your marks," she shouted over the sounds of the engines. "Get set. Go!"
It had been a few years since I had been in a ridge runner, and I had forgotten how much kick it had at first. The metal behemoth roared to life beneath me, and we sped off together until the first turn. Becca cut in front of me as we rushed into the forest. The narrow path made it impossible for me to get in front of her, so I had to just follow her closely and wait for the chance to strike.
After rumbling along the forest floor, we whipped out into a wider turn. I pulled my car to the left, hoping to cut in on the inside track, but it’s almost like she could sense me and I was cut off. She swerved, just slightly, and missed a small ditch, which I hit. It was jarring enough that I pulled off the accelerator a moment, allowing her to pull further ahead. I was able to catch up with her as we reentered the forest again.
As we hit the halfpipe, I tried to get up next to her, but I had to be wary of the fallen logs. She knew just where to turn and where to hit the gas, things I had all forgotten. When we pulled back out and crossed the starting line, I was ready to take her on. I spent most of the second lap right on her tail, managing to pull ahead a bit in the wide turn. After we hit the forest again though, she found the place to overtake me. I stood no chance in the third lap.
We pulled our carts towards the garage, and she pulled off her helmet to reveal a huge smile. I unbuckled and hopped out of my cart to meet her.
"Best two out of three!" I said when my helmet was off. "Different carts."
She looked intrigued by the offer, "I don’t think different carts will help, but sure."
We moved our old carts out of the way and selected two new ones, pushing them into position.
"What’re the stakes?" She asked.
"Loser has to buy the winner whatever they want from the snack bar," I said.
"Nah," she said, "we can do better."
"Like what?" I asked before jokingly adding, "Loser has to flash the winner?"
She gave me that troublemaker look again and said, "Now we’re talking."
I had not time to respond before she pulled her helmet on. We got ready, and suddenly my heart was racing faster than it had been before the first race. I almost didn’t hear her shout to start.
This race, I was motivated. With that, a better knowledge of the course, and proper cart handling, I managed to pull out a victory. She gave me a run for my money, but I was determined to see what was under that tank top if I had the chance. That thought, plus the oddly nice vibration of the cart, had me hard nearly the entire race.
I couldn’t hide my smug smile as I removed my helmet. Even though Becca’s eyes said she was having fun, she put on her best scowl.
"I’m gonna use my first cart," she said.
I only laughed and waited.
"I hope you at least wore a cute bra today," I teased as she got in her first cart.
"It doesn't matter," she said, "because you’re not seeing shit."
The third race was ruthless, a constant back and forth. We traded a few blows, nothing serious, but we were both determined to win. I managed to hold the race for the first lap, but she dogged me hard from then on. By the final turn of the last lap, I pushed too hard into it and lost time to correcting, giving Becca enough of a chance to skid in and take the victory.
I hung my head in shame as she climbed out of her cart. Her whole face screamed mischief, her eyes watching me get out of my cart while she leaned against her own. Silence ensued as I stood before her.
"Well," she gestured towards my crotch, "show me."
"Can we at least go inside the garage?" I asked, looking around.
She rolled her eyes and turned towards the open entrance, leading the way. She still looked quite the badass, and I finally got a good view of her ass in the jeans. I swear she swayed her hips as she walked on purpose, as if she knew where my eyes were.
Once inside, away from the beating sun and possibly prying eyes, she waited with as much mock impatience as she had outside. I put up no fight, my hands undoing my belt and unbuttoning my jeans. I pushed them, and my boxers down, revealing my semi-hard cock to Becca. I’m not a big guy, maybe an inch or two over average, but I am thick. I watched as Becca blatantly stared at my cock, which only grew harder under her gaze.
"Someone’s excited," she teased, a fire starting in her eyes.
"I mean," I stammered, "ya know, hot girl checking me out. And the carts vibrate. And-"
I just find of trailed off as Becca took a small step forward. Her eyes finally found my own, and there was something in there that wasn’t before.
"The vibration is great, isn’t it?" She asked as she got closer. "It got me a bit turned on too."
My mouth twitched into a grin. I didn’t even have to say any words, I just reached out and took her hand, leading it to my cock. She gripped it instinctually, giving it a squeeze. I pulled her close to me, my mouth finding her own. I moaned against her lips as she began to stroke me with slow, even movements along my length. She ran her thumb against the head of my cock, causing me to shudder.
Our tongues fought for a moment, sliding over one another like they were wrestling. I brought my hands to the straps of her tanktop and pulled them down her shoulders, along with her bra straps. She let go of my cock long enough to slide her arms out of the straps and pulled the tank top off, leaving her in a loose hanging bra. I managed to get it off while her hand worked my cock again, her strokes growing faster. Her breasts were a full c-cup with pierced nipples, something she did to make them extra sensitive, I would later learn. I took her breasts in my hands and massaged them, my thumbs playing deftly with her hardened buds. Her moaning matched my own.
Suddenly, she broke the kiss and looked at me. "When we fuck, don’t cum inside of me."
I just nodded and she smiled. She sank to her knees and got eye level with my cock, still working it in her hand. She paused her strokes and licked me from base to tip, her warm tongue almost tickling the sensitive organ. Upon reaching the head, she engulfed it, her tongue swirling around it. She moaned around my cock as she began to take more of me. My hands fell to her still dusty hair and gripped, encouraging her to take more.
She subtly pushed me against a nearby cart as she worked more of me into her mouth. She would get down on it, and then pull out to the head and repeat the process slowly. I could feel her tongue dragging along the base of my cock the entire time, and she gave the head a quick swirl at each pass. Before long, she was bobbing up and down my length at an even pace, her hand squeezing all of the exposed area of my cock as she moved up.
"Holy fuck," I moaned, "you are so fucking good at that."
She smiled around the head of my cock, pulling her face away to say, "That’s always good to hear." Her hand continued to work me the entire time.
The blowjob resumed, her head bobbing up and down my length with vigor. She would pick up pace before taking all of me as deep as she could, gagging just a little. She seemed to like it when I helped hold her head down when she did.
"Fuck yes," I moaned, "suck that fucking cock."
Dirty talk also seemed to encourage her. She would stop occasionally to lick me from base to tip and work the head with her tongue like a lollipop. As she continued, I could smell the wetness of her. I looked down to discover her hand was in her jeans.
"You like sucking that cock so much it turns you on?" I asked, my hips starting to buck.
She looked up at me, my cock in her mouth, and nodded with lust filled eyes. "Mmhmm."
At this current pace, I would blow my load in no time, and I wasn’t ready for that yet.
"Stand up and take your pants off," I told her. "I want to taste you."
She pulled off my cock with a ‘pop’ and grinned wide at me. She stripped off the rest of her clothes, revealing a shaved pussy and a tattoo on her thigh of a garter with a pistol on it. A closer examination of her naked body revealed several more tattoos all over. We kissed again for a moment, my cock pressed against her stomach
"Where do you want me?" she asked with desperation in her voice.
I looked around and settled on a nearby desk, tucked away in the corner of the garage. She hopped on it and spread her legs, revealing her pink, wet pussy to me. I slipped to my knees, wasting no time, and kissed along her thighs. Her hands fell onto my head and she giggled lightly.
"Tease," she admonished.
Her voice turned into moans the second my tongue found her pussy, dragging along it. Her wetness coated my tongue instantly when I went for a second, deeper lick. My tongue pressed into her, finding her clit. She inhaled sharply and pushed my head further against her crotch.
"Fuck!" She called out. "Yes."
As I swirled her clit, I brought one hand to her pussy, the tip of my index finger pressing against the entrance. I pushed my finger into her slowly, finding her pussy to be tight and warm and welcoming. She shuddered when my finger entered her, my tongue continuing to stimulate her clit. I began to work the finger deeper into her with slow motions, similar to how she worked my cock. Her pussy gripped my finger rhythmically, like a heartbeat.
My free hand wandered her body, going over her flat stomach and up to her breasts. I began to knead her breasts, gripping them each time she moaned hard. I gingerly played with her nipples, growing bolder in pulling on them while I pleasured her pussy. My middle finger joined my index finger inside of her, the two massaging her walls.
"Oh fuck," she had begun to move her hips. "Lick my pussy. Yes."
I moved my tongue down and slipped my fingers out. They were well coated, and I brought them to her lips. She quickly opened her lips to engulf them and she moaned happily as she licked them clean. While she did, I slipped my tongue inside of her, pushed it as deep as I could. She squeezed my tongue tight and I moaned, causing it to vibrate inside of her.
"I’m gonna fucking cum," she gasped.
I grinned against her and began to work my tongue in and out at as quick of a pace as I could. My hands remained on her breasts, playing with and teasing her nipples, pulling and massaging them. Her whole body had begun to move against my mouth, and she pushed my head as hard against her crotch as she could.
She let out a loud cry of the word "fuck" and I felt her release on my tongue. I continued working my tongue all through her orgasm, not letting up at all. I gave her nipples a slight twist, trying to help her ride it for as long as she could. Her hips were continuing to rock, the movements gradually slowing down until she collapsed back on the desk. I began to slide up her body, planting kisses along her lower stomach.
"You’re not done, are you?" I asked her in between kisses.
"Oh fuck no," she laughed, sitting back up.
To my surprised, she pushed me back into the nearby desk chair. Sliding off the desk, she crossed over to me and straddled me in the chair, grabbing my still stiff cock and giving it a few tugs to get it as hard as possible. She leaned down to kiss me as the head of my cock disappeared inside of her, making us both moan.The deep, hungry kiss continued as she lowered herself entirely on me, my cock deeply impaled in her still contracting pussy.
"Fuck, that feels so good," she broke the kiss.
Her hips began to move again, like waves breaking against the shore. She started moving her 5’4" frame slowly, grabbing the back of the chair for balance, her forehead against mine. It was like looking into the eyes of a hungry beast, and I was happy to be her prey. My hands ran along her back, down to her ass and I gripped it, helping her keep rhythm as she moved. The pace quickened, her pussy sliding along my cock, both of us moaning.
"You’re so tight," I groaned.
She grinned at me as she ceased the grinding and began to bounce up and down on my cock, "And your cock feels so good inside of me."
I watched her breasts bounce in front of me, the piercings in her nipples gleaming in the light. Her head rolled back, eyes fluttering closed as she impaled herself again and again on me. She let out a yelp when I smacked her ass, and it only made her ride me faster. I looked down to see a few inches of my cock exposed with each bounce. Her warmth was so intense, and I could feel her pussy contracting more and more. She impaled herself fully onto my cock and shuddered, her moan turning into a cry of pleasure as I felt her cum around my cock. I nearly came myself in that moment when she gripped me, the added pressure making me lean forward and bite her shoulder in pleasure.
Once she began to come down from her orgasm, she tried to find her rhythm again, but I felt her legs shaking. I grabbed her ass and stood up, nearly losing my balance, but winding up with both of us on our feet. She squealed and giggled and wrapped her legs around me.
"You’re a strong stud too, huh?" She said with that little breath she had.
I kissed her as I walked back to the desk and laid her on it. She spread her legs and I grabbed her hips, my own beginning to move hard. She let out a moan with each powerful thrust, her pussy still tight enough that it threatened to squeeze me out.
"You’re so tight I can barely stay in," I laughed.
She let out a breathy laugh as well, "I hear that all the time."
Still, I pushed into her again and again. She was half limp on the desk, just loving the feeling of my cock pounding into her. I knew I could do almost anything I wanted to her in the moment, but I wanted to cum. I grabbed her arms and pinned them above her head, holding them there with one arm as my other fell to her breasts. She pushed the appropriate amount against my hand, just enough to test if I would let her go so easy. The look in her eyes when she realized I could get rough sent a shiver down my spine and made me throw the full force of my body into my thrusts.
The desk began to move, hitting against the wall of the garage, adding to the noises our own mouths and bodies were making. I’m not sure how long I fucked her like that. It could’ve been five minutes or half an hour, but we both got lost in the moment of pure fucking. She began to mumble at some point, mostly the word "fuck", and she would only stop when she bit her lip. The sheen of sweat on her body made her glisten, and the work made her abs look amazing. I couldn’t believe I got to fuck this girl.
The familiar feeling began to rise inside of me, my cock beginning to pulse. I wanted to keep going through my orgasm, but I remembered what she asked.
"I’m gonna cum," I moaned.
She pushed me off and sank to her knees, her mouth finding the head of my cock instantly. Her bobbing returned with much shorter bursts, her hand working me extra. It took almost no time for my legs to shake, nearly giving out, and I had to grab the desk for support. My moan came out like a guttural sound as I began to cum. Her eyes locked on mine as the first few jets of cum sprayed down her throat, and her moans sent vibrations down my cock. She seemed so hungry for my cum, gulping down every last drop. I spied her hand on her pussy again, rubbing it as she finished me off.
I helped her to her feet and kissed her immediately, our two bodies coming together. We were dusty and sweaty and, for the moment, satiated. The kiss was deep, with tongues meeting like shy lovers, as if for the first time. When it ended, her smile was sweet and wicked all at once.
"We are definitely doing that again," she told me.
I laughed and nodded, "Oh, for sure. Should I get some condoms?"
She shook her head and placed a hand on my chest. "There’s no need, I’m on the pill. You just can’t cum inside of me because that was my boyfriend’s rule."
I took a small step back, my eyes going wide. "Excuse me?"
"My boyfriend and I have an arrangement," she told me. "I’m gone all summer, so we can both fuck whoever we want. He can’t cum inside of them, and whoever I sleep with can’t cum inside of me."
My head was swimming, and I couldn’t find the words to respond.
"I can show you texts from him if that makes you feel better," she said.
I shook my head and said, "No, I believe you. It’s just hard to think after fucking like that, you know? It’s a lot to process."
She laughed and nodded. "Well, process it fast. I need to have that cock inside of me again as soon as possible."
Her hand gripped my softening cock and gave it a squeeze while her mouth found my lips again for another kiss. She stepped back and gave me a wink before leaving to find her clothes. I stood and watched her ass, the sway of it mesmerizing me. I reluctantly got dressed and helped her get the carts put away.
I was worried things were going to be weird, but we continued to act like normal friends at dinner and through the hanging out after. Becca and I were two of the first people to go to bed that night, both of us exhausted from the day’s activities. I slept the best I had since I arrived. Little did I know, that was just the beginning.
This story was taken from one these sites, check them out to find more sex stories:
https://abingdonsmiles.com/contact?form_send=success&message=i won $14,000
Our talk was cut short by the arrival of Big Mike, the head chef of the camp. It wasn’t just a clever nickname, as the man seemed like he could easily pick me up. Even though age had some weight on him, he was still a formidable man in his 40’s. He quickly recruited the two of us into helping him finish up dinner. I followed the printed out instructions for garlic bread while Becca made salads.
As we worked, we got to know each other a bit. I told her about how I got involved with OA as a high schooler, becoming one of the avid Adventurers who went on every excursion I could. I told her about my volunteering at Greenpines, a position filled by high school and college students for only a few weeks at a time. I showed her the scar I got from the ropes course right above my eye, and she called it sexy.
She told me about how she was from Chicago, and got involved in OA out there. The camp she’s been to had newer go karts, but she’s heard rumors of a gas powered beasts that Greenpines had. She was a self described ‘grease monkey’, and she couldn’t wait to get her hands on them. She also told me a bit about her schooling, she was an engineering student, and the desire to design cars. We discovered similar interests in our musical and movies taste.
By the time we finished dinner, more people were moving about the kitchen. We met other members of the kitchen staff and a couple more interns. When we were relieved of our duties, we made sure to find spots at a table together.
There were close to 50 people at the dinner. Just over a dozen of us were interns, and the rest were permanent camp staff and their families. We got the welcome talk as we ate, the camp director pepping us up to have "the best summer ever." He gave us the rundown of the schedule for the next couple of weeks, telling us when the volunteers and campers would arrive. Last, he pointed out which interns would need to see which members of the staff for their job training tomorrow.
After dinner, all the interns made their way back to the Run to get to know each other. I’d already met a few, but now I got to meet Ali, Sara, Jackie, Tori, Lauren, Mike, Ben, Mark, and Kalanz. Most of us were just out of college, or about to graduate, and we were from all over the country. We spent the evening playing games to get to know each other, the whole thing breaking down eventually to individual conversations. One by one, people peeled off to bed.
I found out I was bunking with Ben, Mark, and Kalanz. We talked a little bit more in the room, but all of us were beat from the various trips. I had a hard time falling asleep in the semi comfortable bed, and the snoring of one of my roommates didn’t help. Around 2 am, I decided I needed to clear my head, and I pulled on some clothes to step outside.
Closing the door behind me, I discovered the night was chillier than I expected for the month of may. I shivered slightly, but it was not unbearable. As I slowly moved down the stairs so as to not make a sound, I discovered I wasn’t alone. Another intern, Tori, was sitting by the firepit on one of the logs around it, looking up at the night sky. She turned to me as I made my way down, and she smiled bright through the moonlight.
"Is it okay if I join you?" I asked, the sound of my own voice surprising me. I hadn’t noticed how quiet it was.
"Please do," she said, patting the spot next to her.
I slipped into the seat, "You couldn’t sleep either, huh?"
She shook her head and said, "It always takes me a few days to get used to a new bed. I thought I would come check out the stars in the meantime."
I nearly asked what she meant, but one glance up told the story. The sky was dark and full of stars, more than I had ever seen. It was like a salt shaker had spilled over the entire night sky. There were no lights to hide them here.
"Wow," I felt myself say.
"Pretty neat, right?" She giggled. "I’m from a small town, and we still can’t see this many."
I looked back at her, my eyes having adjusted a bit more. My first thought was about how beautiful she was, strikingly so. I had noticed it before, but here, one on one, it was something else. In the light, I had seen that she had chestnut hair and bright green eyes. She wore a pair of running shorts and a tanktop with a sports bra. She had the build of a runner, lithe and graceful. There was a natural sweetness to her face, as if you would feel bad using a curse word in front of her. I realized I had been studying her face for a while and wasn’t talking.
"Um, yeah," I sputtered out. "I’m from a pretty big city, and we don’t seven see a fraction of this."
"That’s too bad," she teased, "sittin’ out and looking at the night sky is one of my favorite things to do."
"Well yeah, if you’re in a small town and there’s nothing else to do," I said with a quickly forming grin.
She gave me a mock gasp, putting on the right amount of "offended".
We sat in silence for a moment, just enjoying the sky and one another before she yawned.
"I need to try and sleep again," she said. "We’re starting waterfront briefing at 6."
I nodded, "I guess I’ll see you at breakfast then."
"Goodnight," she said as she stood up and walked towards the door.
"Goodnight," I echoed.
My eyes tracked her, falling on her ass for a moment. Even in the dark, I could tell how nice it was. I looked back up the sky, her yawn infecting me. I eventually made my way back up the stairs and to bed myself.
The next morning, I met up with Charles after breakfast, one of the property staff. He showed me where all the equipment was, most of it a mess. My job for the day was sorting it all out, figuring out what worked and what didn’t, and organizing. Between the two different sound booths, it took me most of the day. Whoever had been using this place over the year had not been considerate, and trash and useless junk was everywhere. Once those were cleaned up, I spent my afternoon cleaning out the Green Machine, the mobile sound booth used to bring music to all sorts of events.
At dinner, we all talked about our jobs. Becca was a bit of a mess, but she had the biggest smile on her face.
"You’ve gotta come out tomorrow," she told me. "I’m gonna be running the carts to test them out."
"You’ve got it," I agreed, the excitement creeping in.
On the walk back, I got to check in with Tori, who was exhausted from running drills all day. All the interns played and talked a bit back at the Run, but people were in bed much earlier than the night before. I woke up a couple of times, but it wasn’t hard for me to go back to sleep.
The next morning, Charles showed me how to drive the Green Machine. It had the bare minimum of car parts of run, surrounded by wood that had many layer of green paint. It was what I imagined driving a parade float would be like. After practicing for a while, I got the hang of it and returned it to it’s spot beside the maintenance shed, a part of camp hidden from view by the camp office and volunteer lodging.
I caught up with a few of the interns at lunch, including Tori who seemed exhausted by the intense training. She had no makeup on, and her hair was pulled back in a ponytail, but she had this natural glow that drew me to her.
"It’s nothing new from what I learned as a lifeguard," she told me between bites of her sandwich. "It’s just running the drills and learning the procedures. But anyway, how’s the sound stuff coming along?"
"It’s much less physically demanding," I told her. "I’ve got everything set up, I just need to get the playlists made for the different events. I’ll have a lot more work when the Coordinators arrive."
"I’ve never been very good at that kind of stuff," she said with a slight blush. "It takes me forever to discover new bands."
I felt myself get really excited as I said, "I have a bunch I would love to show you then."
Her full lips curled slightly and she nodded, "Okay! Sounds great."
As lunch wound down, I realized I never caught a glimpse at Becca. Her boss, an older guy with a grey and white beard with tobacco stains around the mouth, had come in at some point and grabbed food before heading out again. I grabbed an extra cookie off a table and decided to see if she wanted it, just in case she hadn’t gotten one. My day was pretty free anyway.
The ridge runner track is across the mountain road that the camp sits on. If you follow the dirt road that juts off the paved main one, you’ll find a fork in it after a bit. Heading left takes you to the bike shack and the camp staffers homes. Going right leads you to the old lake, and just beyond that is the ridge runner course. It’s a looped dirt track that campers get to race around in groups of six to face mud pits, fallen logs, and tight corners. There’s always a few crashes a summer, but the injuries are rarely worse than a scrape.
The sun was high in the sky by the time I arrived, and I knew I would need to invest in a hat and sunglasses from the camp store. I heard the rumbling of a ridge runner as I approached the garage, and I saw one whip out of the forest by the time I reached it. Becca was in the driver’s seat, a pair of goggles on her face and a bandana around her mouth. I walked up to greet her when she pulled it back to the garage.
"Hey dude," she pulled down her bandana to reveal a smile. When she pulled off the goggles, I nearly laughed at the bright pinkness of her face compared the dust covered rest of her.
"Having fun?" I asked with a grin.
She crawled out of the cart and stood in front of me, looking like a true badass. Her hair, windswept and dusty, fell about her face. The bandana remained around her neck, loosely resting on her exposed shoulder. Her tight black tanktop and ripped jeans showed off how fit she really was, and standing with one hip cocked made her seem like trouble.
"Gotta make sure they run before the kids get on the course," she said as she tossed the goggles in a nearby bin.
She cut the motor off and had me help her push it back into the garage. I spied find her boss near the back, working on the engine of one of them. He didn’t even look up at us as we entered the area. The rest of the carts sat outside, waiting to be tested. I offered her the cookie, and she nearly snatched it from my hands.
"How’ve things been out here?" I asked.
She smiled at me and said, "So far so good. We’ve tuned them up and they all seem to be ready to go, except number nine back there."
My eyes followed as she gestured to the cart her boss was working on. I saw, just over his hunched shoulder, a painted number 9 on the metal frame of the runner. Looking around, I saw the rest of the cards were similarly numbered all the way from one to twelve.
The call of "Fuck! Shit!" erupted from the back of the garage, catching us both by surprise.
Becca rushed towards her boss who was pulling himself up from his sitting position.
"Everything okay?" She asked.
The old man shook his head, "The belt snapped on me. I’m fine, but I gotta run into town to get a replacement. We used our last one a couple of weeks ago."
"Alright," she said as she checked out the engine.
"Just test the rest of the carts and put them away when you’re done. I’ll be back in a couple of hours."
He gathered his things and got in his beat up truck, pulling away from the garage and leaving the two of us alone. Becca turned to me with the mischievous eyes, like a child who knew where the cookies were hidden.
"So, wanna help me test these things out?" She said.
I nodded and said, "Hell yeah."
"Awesome," she grinned, "let’s race then. Three laps."
We got two more carts ready and moved them to the start line. She handed me a pair of goggles and a helmet.
"You weren’t wearing one of these when I walked up," I pointed out as I pulled my helmet on.
"I was just driving them around the course," she said, "racing is a bit more intense."
I climbed into my cart and got buckled in. When we were both ready, Becca gave me the thumbs up.
"On your marks," she shouted over the sounds of the engines. "Get set. Go!"
It had been a few years since I had been in a ridge runner, and I had forgotten how much kick it had at first. The metal behemoth roared to life beneath me, and we sped off together until the first turn. Becca cut in front of me as we rushed into the forest. The narrow path made it impossible for me to get in front of her, so I had to just follow her closely and wait for the chance to strike.
After rumbling along the forest floor, we whipped out into a wider turn. I pulled my car to the left, hoping to cut in on the inside track, but it’s almost like she could sense me and I was cut off. She swerved, just slightly, and missed a small ditch, which I hit. It was jarring enough that I pulled off the accelerator a moment, allowing her to pull further ahead. I was able to catch up with her as we reentered the forest again.
As we hit the halfpipe, I tried to get up next to her, but I had to be wary of the fallen logs. She knew just where to turn and where to hit the gas, things I had all forgotten. When we pulled back out and crossed the starting line, I was ready to take her on. I spent most of the second lap right on her tail, managing to pull ahead a bit in the wide turn. After we hit the forest again though, she found the place to overtake me. I stood no chance in the third lap.
We pulled our carts towards the garage, and she pulled off her helmet to reveal a huge smile. I unbuckled and hopped out of my cart to meet her.
"Best two out of three!" I said when my helmet was off. "Different carts."
She looked intrigued by the offer, "I don’t think different carts will help, but sure."
We moved our old carts out of the way and selected two new ones, pushing them into position.
"What’re the stakes?" She asked.
"Loser has to buy the winner whatever they want from the snack bar," I said.
"Nah," she said, "we can do better."
"Like what?" I asked before jokingly adding, "Loser has to flash the winner?"
She gave me that troublemaker look again and said, "Now we’re talking."
I had not time to respond before she pulled her helmet on. We got ready, and suddenly my heart was racing faster than it had been before the first race. I almost didn’t hear her shout to start.
This race, I was motivated. With that, a better knowledge of the course, and proper cart handling, I managed to pull out a victory. She gave me a run for my money, but I was determined to see what was under that tank top if I had the chance. That thought, plus the oddly nice vibration of the cart, had me hard nearly the entire race.
I couldn’t hide my smug smile as I removed my helmet. Even though Becca’s eyes said she was having fun, she put on her best scowl.
"I’m gonna use my first cart," she said.
I only laughed and waited.
"I hope you at least wore a cute bra today," I teased as she got in her first cart.
"It doesn't matter," she said, "because you’re not seeing shit."
The third race was ruthless, a constant back and forth. We traded a few blows, nothing serious, but we were both determined to win. I managed to hold the race for the first lap, but she dogged me hard from then on. By the final turn of the last lap, I pushed too hard into it and lost time to correcting, giving Becca enough of a chance to skid in and take the victory.
I hung my head in shame as she climbed out of her cart. Her whole face screamed mischief, her eyes watching me get out of my cart while she leaned against her own. Silence ensued as I stood before her.
"Well," she gestured towards my crotch, "show me."
"Can we at least go inside the garage?" I asked, looking around.
She rolled her eyes and turned towards the open entrance, leading the way. She still looked quite the badass, and I finally got a good view of her ass in the jeans. I swear she swayed her hips as she walked on purpose, as if she knew where my eyes were.
Once inside, away from the beating sun and possibly prying eyes, she waited with as much mock impatience as she had outside. I put up no fight, my hands undoing my belt and unbuttoning my jeans. I pushed them, and my boxers down, revealing my semi-hard cock to Becca. I’m not a big guy, maybe an inch or two over average, but I am thick. I watched as Becca blatantly stared at my cock, which only grew harder under her gaze.
"Someone’s excited," she teased, a fire starting in her eyes.
"I mean," I stammered, "ya know, hot girl checking me out. And the carts vibrate. And-"
I just find of trailed off as Becca took a small step forward. Her eyes finally found my own, and there was something in there that wasn’t before.
"The vibration is great, isn’t it?" She asked as she got closer. "It got me a bit turned on too."
My mouth twitched into a grin. I didn’t even have to say any words, I just reached out and took her hand, leading it to my cock. She gripped it instinctually, giving it a squeeze. I pulled her close to me, my mouth finding her own. I moaned against her lips as she began to stroke me with slow, even movements along my length. She ran her thumb against the head of my cock, causing me to shudder.
Our tongues fought for a moment, sliding over one another like they were wrestling. I brought my hands to the straps of her tanktop and pulled them down her shoulders, along with her bra straps. She let go of my cock long enough to slide her arms out of the straps and pulled the tank top off, leaving her in a loose hanging bra. I managed to get it off while her hand worked my cock again, her strokes growing faster. Her breasts were a full c-cup with pierced nipples, something she did to make them extra sensitive, I would later learn. I took her breasts in my hands and massaged them, my thumbs playing deftly with her hardened buds. Her moaning matched my own.
Suddenly, she broke the kiss and looked at me. "When we fuck, don’t cum inside of me."
I just nodded and she smiled. She sank to her knees and got eye level with my cock, still working it in her hand. She paused her strokes and licked me from base to tip, her warm tongue almost tickling the sensitive organ. Upon reaching the head, she engulfed it, her tongue swirling around it. She moaned around my cock as she began to take more of me. My hands fell to her still dusty hair and gripped, encouraging her to take more.
She subtly pushed me against a nearby cart as she worked more of me into her mouth. She would get down on it, and then pull out to the head and repeat the process slowly. I could feel her tongue dragging along the base of my cock the entire time, and she gave the head a quick swirl at each pass. Before long, she was bobbing up and down my length at an even pace, her hand squeezing all of the exposed area of my cock as she moved up.
"Holy fuck," I moaned, "you are so fucking good at that."
She smiled around the head of my cock, pulling her face away to say, "That’s always good to hear." Her hand continued to work me the entire time.
The blowjob resumed, her head bobbing up and down my length with vigor. She would pick up pace before taking all of me as deep as she could, gagging just a little. She seemed to like it when I helped hold her head down when she did.
"Fuck yes," I moaned, "suck that fucking cock."
Dirty talk also seemed to encourage her. She would stop occasionally to lick me from base to tip and work the head with her tongue like a lollipop. As she continued, I could smell the wetness of her. I looked down to discover her hand was in her jeans.
"You like sucking that cock so much it turns you on?" I asked, my hips starting to buck.
She looked up at me, my cock in her mouth, and nodded with lust filled eyes. "Mmhmm."
At this current pace, I would blow my load in no time, and I wasn’t ready for that yet.
"Stand up and take your pants off," I told her. "I want to taste you."
She pulled off my cock with a ‘pop’ and grinned wide at me. She stripped off the rest of her clothes, revealing a shaved pussy and a tattoo on her thigh of a garter with a pistol on it. A closer examination of her naked body revealed several more tattoos all over. We kissed again for a moment, my cock pressed against her stomach
"Where do you want me?" she asked with desperation in her voice.
I looked around and settled on a nearby desk, tucked away in the corner of the garage. She hopped on it and spread her legs, revealing her pink, wet pussy to me. I slipped to my knees, wasting no time, and kissed along her thighs. Her hands fell onto my head and she giggled lightly.
"Tease," she admonished.
Her voice turned into moans the second my tongue found her pussy, dragging along it. Her wetness coated my tongue instantly when I went for a second, deeper lick. My tongue pressed into her, finding her clit. She inhaled sharply and pushed my head further against her crotch.
"Fuck!" She called out. "Yes."
As I swirled her clit, I brought one hand to her pussy, the tip of my index finger pressing against the entrance. I pushed my finger into her slowly, finding her pussy to be tight and warm and welcoming. She shuddered when my finger entered her, my tongue continuing to stimulate her clit. I began to work the finger deeper into her with slow motions, similar to how she worked my cock. Her pussy gripped my finger rhythmically, like a heartbeat.
My free hand wandered her body, going over her flat stomach and up to her breasts. I began to knead her breasts, gripping them each time she moaned hard. I gingerly played with her nipples, growing bolder in pulling on them while I pleasured her pussy. My middle finger joined my index finger inside of her, the two massaging her walls.
"Oh fuck," she had begun to move her hips. "Lick my pussy. Yes."
I moved my tongue down and slipped my fingers out. They were well coated, and I brought them to her lips. She quickly opened her lips to engulf them and she moaned happily as she licked them clean. While she did, I slipped my tongue inside of her, pushed it as deep as I could. She squeezed my tongue tight and I moaned, causing it to vibrate inside of her.
"I’m gonna fucking cum," she gasped.
I grinned against her and began to work my tongue in and out at as quick of a pace as I could. My hands remained on her breasts, playing with and teasing her nipples, pulling and massaging them. Her whole body had begun to move against my mouth, and she pushed my head as hard against her crotch as she could.
She let out a loud cry of the word "fuck" and I felt her release on my tongue. I continued working my tongue all through her orgasm, not letting up at all. I gave her nipples a slight twist, trying to help her ride it for as long as she could. Her hips were continuing to rock, the movements gradually slowing down until she collapsed back on the desk. I began to slide up her body, planting kisses along her lower stomach.
"You’re not done, are you?" I asked her in between kisses.
"Oh fuck no," she laughed, sitting back up.
To my surprised, she pushed me back into the nearby desk chair. Sliding off the desk, she crossed over to me and straddled me in the chair, grabbing my still stiff cock and giving it a few tugs to get it as hard as possible. She leaned down to kiss me as the head of my cock disappeared inside of her, making us both moan.The deep, hungry kiss continued as she lowered herself entirely on me, my cock deeply impaled in her still contracting pussy.
"Fuck, that feels so good," she broke the kiss.
Her hips began to move again, like waves breaking against the shore. She started moving her 5’4" frame slowly, grabbing the back of the chair for balance, her forehead against mine. It was like looking into the eyes of a hungry beast, and I was happy to be her prey. My hands ran along her back, down to her ass and I gripped it, helping her keep rhythm as she moved. The pace quickened, her pussy sliding along my cock, both of us moaning.
"You’re so tight," I groaned.
She grinned at me as she ceased the grinding and began to bounce up and down on my cock, "And your cock feels so good inside of me."
I watched her breasts bounce in front of me, the piercings in her nipples gleaming in the light. Her head rolled back, eyes fluttering closed as she impaled herself again and again on me. She let out a yelp when I smacked her ass, and it only made her ride me faster. I looked down to see a few inches of my cock exposed with each bounce. Her warmth was so intense, and I could feel her pussy contracting more and more. She impaled herself fully onto my cock and shuddered, her moan turning into a cry of pleasure as I felt her cum around my cock. I nearly came myself in that moment when she gripped me, the added pressure making me lean forward and bite her shoulder in pleasure.
Once she began to come down from her orgasm, she tried to find her rhythm again, but I felt her legs shaking. I grabbed her ass and stood up, nearly losing my balance, but winding up with both of us on our feet. She squealed and giggled and wrapped her legs around me.
"You’re a strong stud too, huh?" She said with that little breath she had.
I kissed her as I walked back to the desk and laid her on it. She spread her legs and I grabbed her hips, my own beginning to move hard. She let out a moan with each powerful thrust, her pussy still tight enough that it threatened to squeeze me out.
"You’re so tight I can barely stay in," I laughed.
She let out a breathy laugh as well, "I hear that all the time."
Still, I pushed into her again and again. She was half limp on the desk, just loving the feeling of my cock pounding into her. I knew I could do almost anything I wanted to her in the moment, but I wanted to cum. I grabbed her arms and pinned them above her head, holding them there with one arm as my other fell to her breasts. She pushed the appropriate amount against my hand, just enough to test if I would let her go so easy. The look in her eyes when she realized I could get rough sent a shiver down my spine and made me throw the full force of my body into my thrusts.
The desk began to move, hitting against the wall of the garage, adding to the noises our own mouths and bodies were making. I’m not sure how long I fucked her like that. It could’ve been five minutes or half an hour, but we both got lost in the moment of pure fucking. She began to mumble at some point, mostly the word "fuck", and she would only stop when she bit her lip. The sheen of sweat on her body made her glisten, and the work made her abs look amazing. I couldn’t believe I got to fuck this girl.
The familiar feeling began to rise inside of me, my cock beginning to pulse. I wanted to keep going through my orgasm, but I remembered what she asked.
"I’m gonna cum," I moaned.
She pushed me off and sank to her knees, her mouth finding the head of my cock instantly. Her bobbing returned with much shorter bursts, her hand working me extra. It took almost no time for my legs to shake, nearly giving out, and I had to grab the desk for support. My moan came out like a guttural sound as I began to cum. Her eyes locked on mine as the first few jets of cum sprayed down her throat, and her moans sent vibrations down my cock. She seemed so hungry for my cum, gulping down every last drop. I spied her hand on her pussy again, rubbing it as she finished me off.
I helped her to her feet and kissed her immediately, our two bodies coming together. We were dusty and sweaty and, for the moment, satiated. The kiss was deep, with tongues meeting like shy lovers, as if for the first time. When it ended, her smile was sweet and wicked all at once.
"We are definitely doing that again," she told me.
I laughed and nodded, "Oh, for sure. Should I get some condoms?"
She shook her head and placed a hand on my chest. "There’s no need, I’m on the pill. You just can’t cum inside of me because that was my boyfriend’s rule."
I took a small step back, my eyes going wide. "Excuse me?"
"My boyfriend and I have an arrangement," she told me. "I’m gone all summer, so we can both fuck whoever we want. He can’t cum inside of them, and whoever I sleep with can’t cum inside of me."
My head was swimming, and I couldn’t find the words to respond.
"I can show you texts from him if that makes you feel better," she said.
I shook my head and said, "No, I believe you. It’s just hard to think after fucking like that, you know? It’s a lot to process."
She laughed and nodded. "Well, process it fast. I need to have that cock inside of me again as soon as possible."
Her hand gripped my softening cock and gave it a squeeze while her mouth found my lips again for another kiss. She stepped back and gave me a wink before leaving to find her clothes. I stood and watched her ass, the sway of it mesmerizing me. I reluctantly got dressed and helped her get the carts put away.
I was worried things were going to be weird, but we continued to act like normal friends at dinner and through the hanging out after. Becca and I were two of the first people to go to bed that night, both of us exhausted from the day’s activities. I slept the best I had since I arrived. Little did I know, that was just the beginning.
This story was taken from one these sites, check them out to find more sex stories:
https://abingdonsmiles.com/contact?form_send=success&message=i won $14,000
What I look for in a Dive Operator:
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