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Dive Photo Guide
Peter Verhoog


Years Shooting:
41 years




Destinations I've Dived
Destinations I want to Dive
# of Dive Trips Per Year
0 trips per year

Peter Verhoog

Peter Verhoog is one of Europe's most acclaimed underwater photographers, based in The Netherlands. He was born in 1955, leant to dive in 1976, and took his first underwater photographs in 1978.
During his journeys he explored many exotic places on this planet, where he photographed nearly every underwater creature imaginable. His work also frequently portrays the subtle beauty of the coral reef structures with their complex and vulnerable biotopes. But his favorites are sharks.
Peter has his his own specific style in underwater photography, characterized by the exquisite use of both available and artificial light. He was one of the first photographers using twin strobes, for which he developed special photography techniques.

His work has been published in major newspapers magazines in many countries (a.o. Dutch National Geographic, Nikon Pro Magazine and Nikon Calendar) and books (a.o. the IKAN fish guides of Helmut Debelius, other identification books like those of Paul Humann, the book 'Aldabra' and special Aldabra calendars, many educational books) and countless other publications through stock agencies. Together with his wife Georgina Wiersma he published the book 'De Groene Zee', an extensive, fullcolour guide to the marine flora and fauna of the Dutch waters. His work is also frequently used for travel brochures and advertising purposes.
Peter is also a member of several expedition teams, working on major projects, during several expeditions to the world's largest atol, Aldabra, the documentary 'Sharkwise" and research expeditions, like the National Geographic Expedition to Farquhar. His work has won many prizes and awards.

What I look for in a Dive Operator:
"I need to dive independently, and really love it, when divemasters and guides have a good knowledge of the location and creatures. I am always looking for the unexpected, and really appreciate it when they make that possible. Not for me only, but for all their guests

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