DPG is a comprehensive underwater photography website and community for underwater photographers. Learn underwater photography techniques for popular digital cameras and specialized professional underwater equipment (wide angle, macro, super macro, lighting and work flow). Read latest news, explore travel destinations for underwater photography. Galleries of professional and amateur underwater photography including wrecks, coral reefs, undersea creatures, fashion and surfing photography.
Dive Photo Guide
Deborah Fugitt


United States
Years Shooting:




Destinations I've Dived
Destinations I want to Dive
# of Dive Trips Per Year
0 trips per year

Deborah Fugitt

Deb Fugitt loves to travel. A few years ago she sold her house, left her job as a large computer systems analyst, (the systems were large, not the analyst), packed a bag and became "homeless" for 16 months. Europe was great, but in her eyes it didn't compare to the thrill of hiking in the Amazon rainforest or remote mountains of New Guinea. Diving became a major part of the travels, especially in places like the Red Sea, Indonesia and the South Pacific. As the only guest at a dive lodge on a small island north of PNG she decided to try an underwater photography course. In Cairns, Australia several weeks later the film was developed. The results were surprisingly good. The photo shop owner printed enlargements and hung them in the window. When she returned home to Texas and to her regular occupation, she sold her sailboat, bought an underwater camera system and kept working on the photography. A week long course with Cathy Church is the only formal training she received. The rest is self taught using books from Howard Hall, Norbert Wu, Jim Church and other great photographers as guides. Encouraged by co-workers and friends, she began entering her photos in local and international contests and won many competitions.

What I look for in a Dive Operator:
I look for newish, small operators located in areas with exceptional uw photographic opportunities that are just opening up to the dive traveler or are in relatively unknown areas. Safety, flexibility, honesty, enthusiasm, fair treatment of their staff and the local community and the environment are essential qualities. The operator must be able to adjust to the desires of each specific group of photographers so that photo opportunities are maximized.

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