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Dive Photo Guide

Tiger Beach, Bahamas – 2017

Expedition Dates:February 27, 2017 - March 9, 2017

DPG and Prawno are thrilled to announce an exciting opportunity to get up close and personal with some of the planet’s most majestic marine animals—the big shark species of the Bahamas. We’ll be going to the top locations in the region to meet the Caribbean’s key sharks—the beautiful tigers, the formidable bulls, and the spectacular great hammerheads.

The expedition begins at the world-famous Tiger Beach, on the West End of Grand Bahama Island, the stage for our heart-pounding tiger shark encounters. We then head to Bimini to come face to face with the great hammerheads. Our small group of underwater photographers will also encounter a number of other interesting species along the way, including nurse, reef and lemon sharks, stingrays, and dolphins.



Price: Inquire!



  • DPG-Prawno joint expedition to Tiger Beach and Bimini, Bahamas
  • 8 full days of diving with tiger sharks, hammerhead sharks, bull sharks, lemon sharks, reef sharks, nurse sharks, stingrays, dolphins, and more
  • Personal photographic assistance from trip leaders Matt Weiss and Lia Barrett
  • Small group size

Full trip includes:

  • 6 days, 5 nights accommodation (double occupancy) on Grand Bahama Island and 4 full days of tiger shark diving
  • 6 days, 5 nights accommodation (double occupancy) on Bimini Island and 4 full days of great hammerhead shark diving
  • Lunch, snacks and beverages on the boat
  • Tanks, air fills, weights and belts


Email us at Trips@DivePhotoGuide.com for more information




Part 1: The Tigers of Tiger Beach

Shark enthusiasts, photographers and videographers know Tiger Beach as the epicenter of tiger shark diving, making this one of the world’s most renowned dive destinations. Sure, there are several other species of sharks to see here—lemon sharks, Caribbean reef sharks, and nurse sharks among them—but the real stars of the show are the awesome tigers. Growing to over 16 feet long, these impressive creatures are a mesmerizing sight that will make a fantastic addition to every photographer’s portfolio.

With the waters surrounding the Bahamanian islands protected as a marine sanctuary, the nearby reefs are thriving marine ecosystems that support excellent hard and soft coral growth and a huge array of marine life. On a good day, you could easily be diving with 30 or more lemon sharks in the shallows, and the fabulous visibility—well over 100 feet—means the photo and video opportunities are first rate.

Part 2: Bimini’s Great Hammerheads

Bimini offers one of the best opportunities in the world for great hammerhead shark diving. During the winter months from January to March, a healthy population of these elusive sharks congregate in the island’s waters. With numerous shark species frequenting this area, you’ll also be able to photograph and film Caribbean reef sharks, nurse sharks, and bull sharks.

Besides great hammerhead shark diving, there’s also a number of other excellent diving opportunities available, including several wrecks, and a great location to dive with stingrays.



Day 1: Arrival at Freeport, Grand Bahama. Take a taxi for the 30-minute ride to your accommodations. Relax, unpack, and get your gear ready

Day 2–5: Encounters with the tiger sharks of Tiger Beach

Day 6: Fly from Freeport to Bimini

Day 7–10: Dive with Bimini’s great hammerheads

Day 11: Depart Bimini



* indicates required
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