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Dive Photo Guide

Iconic Dive Sites

We bring you the world's best dive sites for underwater photography. From Darwin's Arch to Blue Corner and everything in between, you'll recognize the name, but we will show you what you need to know to get the best shots.

Diving Misool, Raja Ampat’s Second King
Don Silcock explores the spectacularly diverse and healthy marine ecosystems around Misool in Raja Ampat
Iconic Dive Site: Car Wash Cenote, Mexico
Brandi Mueller discusses how to get great shots at her favorite cenote
Iconic Dive Site: Pelican Rock, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico
Jay Clue breaks down one of the best dive sites in Cabo San Lucas, Pelican Rock
Iconic Dive Site: Edithburgh Jetty, South Australia
South Australia has some amazing shore dives along its coastline, and Edithburgh Jetty might just be the best of them all
Iconic Dive Site: Isla Guadalupe, Mexico
Jay Clue explains how to get amazing images at the world’s most famous great white shark site
Iconic Dive Site: Roca Partida, Revillagigedo, Mexico
Jay Clue explains how to get awesome images at one of Mexico’s most famous dive sites
Iconic Dive Site: Richelieu Rock, Thailand
Alex Tyrrell considers the awesome photo opportunities at Thailand’s most famous dive site
Iconic Dive Site: Punta Vicente Roca, Galápagos
Darwin’s Arch may be the Galápagos’ most famous dive site, but Punta Vicente Roca at Isabella Island gives it a run for its money
Dumaguete: A Muck Diving Macro Showcase
DPG Editor Daniel Norwood shares some of his favorite macro shots from his many muck dives in Dumaguete, Philippines
The Manatees of Crystal River
A photographic showcase of Florida’s iconic sea cows
The Majestic Paglugaban Underwater Cave System
Ram Yoro grapples with the beauty of the Philippines’ grandest underwater cave
Truk Lagoon: Bipolar Diving in a Living Museum
DPG Editor Andrew Marriott reveals the incredible diversity of diving that can be found in the legendary Truk Lagoon
Iconic Dive Site: Darwin’s Arch
Learn why this Galápagos dive is one of the world’s best
Conservation Meets Luxury at Wakatobi
Photographer Wayne Osborn reflects on the conservation impact of the popular dive resort
Iconic Dive Site: Beqa Shark Dive
Discover why this might be the best shark dive on the planet
Iconic Dive Site: Jellyfish Lake
Cornelia Thieme ditches the tank and dives in with millions of jellies
Iconic Dive Site: Blue Heron Bridge
Christopher Parsons shows why this bridge is a must for macro
Iconic Dive Site: Cenderawasih Bay
Bruno Van Saen heads to one of the world’s best whale shark hangouts
Iconic Dive Site: Blue Corner
Find sharks, rays, schooling fish and more at Palau’s famous dive
Iconic Dive Site: Stingray City
Joe Tepper gets up close and personal with southern stingrays
Silversides at Eden Rock
Amanda Nicholls photographs Grand Cayman’s annual schooling show
Iconic Dive Site: Barracuda Point
Sipidan’s legendary dive site has it all
Iconic Dive Site: Boo Windows in Raja Ampat
Editors Hergen Spalink & Kerri Bingham on Raja's iconic Boo Windows
Iconic Dive Sites: Cod Hole
Brandi Mueller goes Down Under in the latest edition of Iconic Dives
Raja Ampat's Blue Water Mangroves
Hergen Spalink & Kerri Bingham explore Raja Ampat's Blue Water Mangroves in West Misool
Komodo’s Horseshoe Bay
Kerri Bingham and Hergen Spalink head to Horseshoe Bay, a Komodo Island icon

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