A lot of things change in a decade. Back when the first Our World Underwater and DEEP Indonesia Underwater Competition series was launched in 2005, underwater photography was a pastime reserved for those with a lot of time and a lot of money. Today, with the proliferation of compact and action cameras, underwater imaging is more accessible than ever. In honor of the 10th Annual Underwater Competition series, we’re taking a look back at the photos, people, and trends of the competition that have produced a new generation of underwater photographic excellence.
2007 Our World Underwater, Macro Traditional, Gold – Norm Kortler
2010 Our World Underwater, Animal Portrait, Gold – Debi Henshaw
2011 Deep Indonesia, Animal Behavior, Gold – Erin Quigley
If you look back at pictures of your life from 10 years ago, you’d probably be a little embarrassed. How could you have that hairstyle? What were you thinking buying your VW Beetle (apologies to all “bug” owners)? Let’s face it, going down memory lane can be a little cringeworthy. But looking back at the winners, even from the first competition, I think it’s safe to say the images are nothing short of stunning. We encourage you to continue this tradition of excellence by entering your top images in the 2015 Our World Underwater and DEEP Indonesia competitions—and bag your share of the $90,000 in prizes.
2006 Our World Underwater Wide-Angle Traditional, Silver – Justin Gilligan
2006 Our World Underwater Macro, Honorable Mention – Keri Wilk
That’s not to say the quality of images has not improved over the years. In fact, one of the true pleasures of hosting the competition with our sister site, Wetpixel, is to watch new trends and new photographers emerge.
For instance, it’s safe to say few people knew what a “snoot” was before Keri Wilk brought the technique to light in 2009. And who would have thought the ocean had hidden colors visible only through special UV lights until David Barrio captured them in 2011.
2010 Our World Underwater, Macro Traditional, Silver – Keri Wilk
2011 Our World Underwater, Macro Traditional, Silver – David Barrio
We’ve also seen an emergence of new underwater photography categories. We can now appreciate the infinite beauty of infinitesimal critters through super-macro photography. And a burgeoning interest in conceptual photography has bridged the gap between capturing nature and fashion.
2007 DEEP Indonesia Divers, Gold – Todd Essick
2014 Our World Underwater, Commercial, Conceptual and Fashion, Gold – Shawn Heinrichs
Going forward, there’s no way to know what the next trend will be or who will burst out onto the competition series—and that’s the beauty of it. On any given dive, we have no idea what image we might come away with, what story we will have the opportunity to tell through our lenses. Here’s to another decade of stunning images and unforgettable stories.
2007 DEEP Indonesia, Animal Portrait, Gold – Chip Scarlett
2007 Our World Underwater, Macro Unrestricted, Gold – Jose Alvarez
2008 Our World Underwater, Animal Behavior, Gold – Dale Sanders
2008 Our World Underwater, Wide-Angle Traditional, Gold – Douglas Hoffman
2013 Our World Underwater, Wide-Angle Unrestricted, Gold – Sam Cahir
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