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Dive Photo Guide


Photographer of the Week – Pete Mesley
By Andrew Marriott, September 5, 2019 @ 04:00 AM (EST)

Cenote Nariz Otoch ha, Tulum, Mexico

One thing we are always short on when diving is time—the clock is always ticking on the air in our tanks, our nitrogen saturation, and even our attention spans. Time is not something we have to spare as underwater photographers, but time is an essential ingredient in creating epic images people will long remember. Of course, you might get lucky with an amazing moment shot, but by carefully planning your locations, studying your angles, mastering your gear, and spending hundreds of hours on a single shot, you can create a masterpiece. Pete Mesley is one of the best at doing this.

Pete is most well-known for his Lust4Rust brand, but to say he is just a wreck photographer would be an injustice. Making his home in New Zealand, Pete spends months and years planning his shots and perfecting his craft. His work with depth, dangerous environments, and light painting is simply amazing. His photos will make you stop scrolling down your newsfeed and stare in wonder. His imagery is simply underwater art at its finest.

Think about the time involved in crafting these pictures. First, you have extremely long exposures shot underwater. Next, you have intricately planned and executed light painting. Then, contemplatae all the work that went into scouting and researching these very specific spots. Finally, consider how many times things didn’t work out, and the amount of resolve it takes to move on to the next shot.

Pete Mesley is a personal friend and a wonderful guy to spend time with. You never know what you may see or learn while diving with him. I urge you to check out his upcoming trips—I promise you they will be epic!

Chandelier Cave, Palau

Peacock Springs, Florida

Cenote Mahan Blue, Tulum, Mexico

16.1” guns at the stern of HIJMS Nagato, Bikini Atoll

Bow section on HMS Justacia, Malin Head, Donegal, Ireland

Flat bed trucks, Hold #5 Hoki Maru, Truk Lagoon

Airplane parts, Hold #2 Fujikawa Maru, Truk Lagoon

Port and starboard engine controls of the Rio De Janeiro Maru, Truk Lagoon

Engine room of the Nippo Maru, Truk Lagoon

Exterior helm of Gunilda Yacht, Lake Superior, Canada

Stern section of the Cornelia B Windiate, Lake Huron, USA

Port side propeller of HMHS Britannic, Kea, Greece

Scalloped hammerhead shark, Darwin’s Arch, Galápagos

Pete Mesley

For more of Pete’s astonishing images, visit his website, www.petemesleyphotography.com. If you want to dive with Pete at some of the planet’s best wreck sites or join him for awesome big-animal action, check out his trips on www.lust4rust.co and www.biganimaldiving.com


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