A playful sea lion pup dives down to inspect the photographer’s camera, Coronado Islands, Mexico
Despite growing up close to the ocean on Vancouver Island, one of the world’s greatest diving regions, our latest DPG Photographer of the Week, Melissa Foo, began her underwater journey in Taiwan. She did an open water class on a whim and was immediately hooked. Over 20 years later, Melissa now calls California home, and she spends every chance she gets exploring the kelp forests, oil rigs and temperate water reefs all around southern California.
Underwater photography is a very recent endeavor for Melissa. Despite that, she has traveled to some world-class dive destinations to make pictures. Bali, Solomon Islands, and God’s Pocket are all under her belt already. Her local waters in California remain her favorite place to dive, however, and autumn is her favorite season. Fall in the Golden State usually means blue skies, clearer waters, and most importantly, sea lion puppies! Anyone who has spent time in the water with ramunctious young sea lions, knows they are an absolute blast (and perhaps a bit maniacal). As with land puppies, the juvenile sea lions will tug, pull, bite, and body slam anything or anyone they view as a playmate, including divers!
Melissa’s goal with underwater photography is to share her experiences through imagery in the hopes that her pictures can inspire a love and respect for the underwater world in the next generation. She is already off to a good start with her young daughter, who has ambitions of becoming a diver when she is old enough. Melissa says she will encourage her every step of the way!
An intimate close-up of a stand of giant kelp, Anacapa Island, California, USA
The lion’s mane, or hooded, nudibranch is one of the strangest critters in the sea, God’s Pocket Resort, Canada
Divers explore the life-encrusted pilings and crossbeams of an oil rig, California, USA
A beautiful Nembrotha nudibranch crawls over a sea squirt
A small opalescent nudibranch on a colorful sponge, California, USA
Spectacular coral growth, Solomon Islands
A trio of anemonefish in their home, Solomon Islands
One of the most iconic and recognizable nudibranchs on the planet, the Spanish shawl, strikes a pose, California, USA
Even larval mantis shrimp have their impressive, raptorial claws, Bali, Indonesia
A Doto, or donut, nudibranch, a diminutive slug of the Indo-Pacific, Bali, Indonesia
Sea slug snuggles! A pair of Hypselodoris slugs engaged in mating behavior, Bali, Indonesia
Stunning sunbeams slice into Leru Cut, Solomon Islands
To see more of Melissa’s lovely work, please give her a follow on Instagram.
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