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Dive Photo Guide


Photographer of the Week – Indigo Bolandrini
By Lia Barrett, September 14, 2016 @ 09:00 AM (EST)

Recently, the staff at DPG was very impressed by the diving accomplishments and photographic aptitude of 15-year-old Indigo Bolandrini. With over 600 dives and 20 certifications, this TDI Advanced Nitrox diver has a slew of accolades that make someone like me—who has been diving the same number of years as Indigo has been alive—feel like I have a lot to learn.

At only 15, and with a drive and dedication so apparent, it is going to be extremely exciting to see how Indigo develops over the next few years. Living in Egypt, she has a backyard filled with macro critters and bold colored corals. And as she continues to refine her eye and shooting style, her work is bound to change, morph, and grow. So we are just at the beginning of what will most certainly be a journey to watch, as this young lady continues to learn, shoot and accomplish new goals.

“My Name’s ‘Blurry Face’”

“King Goby”

“Double Trouble”

“Sea Gazer”

“Pink Eyed Peas”


Indigo in action

To see more of Indigo’s work, and to learn more about her, check out her website, www.indigobolandrini.com, or follow her on Instagram and Facebook.



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