A yellow stingray hunts a shallow rubble patch for food, Grand Cayman
We are headed to the warm waters of the Caribbean this week with Andrew McLachlan, an award-winning photographer, writer, and photo tour leader hailing from Canada’s Great White North. Last year, Andrew relocated to Grand Cayman in the Cayman Islands, and since making the move to the Caribbean, he has been actively building a diverse collection of images from beneath the waters of his adopted home.
While living in Ontario, Andrew could often be found hiking woodland trails or snorkeling in freshwater lakes. However, much of his photographic work concentrated on the landscapes and wildlife of the Great Lakes region—and rarely underwater. He dabbled in using an Ewa-Marine flexible underwater housing when first starting out, but his move to the Caribbean justified making the leap to a dedicated underwater setup equipped with strobes. Currently, Andrew is using an OM System OM-1 camera in AOI housing and alternating between his 8mm fisheye and 60mm macro lens. He uses a pair of AOI Q1-RC strobes as well as Backscatter’s Mini Flash MF-2.
Living near the ocean and many incredible snorkel and dive sites has allowed Andrew to build an eclectic collection of reefscapes and marine life in a relatively short period of time. Andrew’s favorite subject to photograph is the critically endangered green turtle. Like so many of us, he hopes that his images will be used to raise awareness about the beauty of all marine life and the urgent need to conserve our oceans.
My what big eyes you have! This downy blenny peers out from its hole at the photographer, Grand Cayman
An intricately patterned chain moray hunts for crabs in the shallows, Grand Cayman
Christmas tree worms with brain coral bokeh, Grand Cayman
One of Grand Cayman’s iconic southern stingrays hunting for food on a shallow seagrass bed
A beautiful gorgonian stand growing in the sunlit shallows, Grand Cayman
A green sea turtle munching some seagrass on a shallow flat, Grand Cayman
Holed up in its den, a common octopus checks out the photographer, Grand Cayman
Well hidden in the sand, a peacock flounder is barely visible, Grand Cayman
A spotted scorpionfish—doing its best impression of a bald coral head—waits in the seagrass, Grand Cayman
The intricate details of a sun anemone, Grand Cayman
A purplemouth moray shows off its impressively sharp—and chipped—teeth, Grand Cayman
A southern stingray and its escorts cruise over the sandy ripples at world-famous Stingray City, Grand Cayman
Perched majestically on a lily pad, a bullfrog eyes the photographer warily, Ontario, Canada
To view more of Andrew’s fantastic work both above water and below, please follow him on Instagram and check out his website.
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