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Dive Photo Guide


Photographer of the Week – Todd Aki
By Joseph Tepper, January 23, 2015 @ 04:00 PM (EST)

As far as ideal locations to grow up to be an underwater photographer, it doesn’t get much better than Hawaii. Born and bred Hawaiian Todd Aki learned to fish, free dive and boogie board in the waters of Waianae. This intuitive interaction with the water translated into a career in underwater photography, when Todd picked up his first camera (Fuji F810) in 2006.

Todd’s talents have come a long way since his first image—apparently a not-so-successful snap of a fish butt. Today, he specializes in shark and pelagic big animal photography, but also admits a small addiction to nudibranchs as well. As you can see, his portfolio is a unique blend of both the big and the small.

Coleman shrimp on fire urchin, Anilao, Philippines

Cardinal fish cleaning and aerating his eggs, Bali, Indonesia

Janolus barbarensis looks more like jewelry than a nudibranch, Morro Bay, California

Mating mandarinfish with egg mass, Malapascua Island, Philippines

Oceanic whitetip checking out Epic Diving crew, Cat Island, Bahamas

School of sailfish feeding on a baitball, Isla Mujeres, Mexico

Sargassum frogfish with reflection, Sogod Bay, Philippines

Spinner dolphins, Kona, Hawaii

Soft coral crab, Sogod Bay, Philippines



For more of Todd's work, make sure to check out his Flickr page.


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