Flight of the humpbacks - mother and calf flee from pursuing escort
Among many underwater photographers working to promote ocean conservation and awareness is one very outspoken shooter, Shawn Heinrichs. Shawn has managed to meld his fervor for pelagics such as manta rays, mobula rays and sharks with his vibrant and provocative imagery in a way that speaks to the masses.
Hannah Fraser floats toward the surface in harmony with a majestic whale shark
As an Emmy Award winning cinematographer and highly accomplished photographer and journalist, Shawn’s work has reached millions through features on major media outlets and personal projects such as “Manta’s Last Dance.” Both his voice and his images have been instrumental in creating the largest manta ray sanctuary in the world in Indonesia, as well as other global initiatives concerning sharks and rays.
A squadron of mobula rays soars through the depths
His work itself has a distinctive style, as his blues and other color casts seem to be signature to Shawn. Within his images are content and compositions that ooze grace, movement, and humanizing interactions. Each photo he releases is a tour de force that will be shared and liked in communities reaching beyond merely underwater photography.
Hannah Fraser embraces train of mantas gliding through light rays
But chat with Shawn for a mere five minutes, and it is likely that you too will be inspired by his infectious fervor for protecting marine life. And as he continues to produce captivating bodies of work in coordination with causes he is passionate about, hopefully the world at large will take notice and step up efforts towards protecting our oceans.
Whale shark basks in rays of light with manta ray below
Manta feeding train forms perfect arc in Raja Ampat
Manta's Last Dance - manta ray approaches Hannah Fraser in the midnight hours
Hannah Fraser comes face to face with pod of pilot whales
Hannah Mermaid swims alongside mother, calf, and escort humpback whales
Sailfish hoists its regal sail in pursuit of hapless sardines tightly packed in defensive bait ball
Perfect symmetry - Hannah Fraser embraces a looping manta ray
Shawn Heinrichs with a whale shark
To see more of Shawn's work, check out his website:
You can also find his page on Facebook.