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Photographer of the Week – Logan Mock-Bunting
By Lia Barrett, January 9, 2015 @ 05:00 AM (EST)

Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina

The captivating aerials shot by Photographer of the Week Logan Mock-Bunting are a sort of spin on modern-day realism, evoking the leisurely hours of everyday coastal America. You can easily picture them in a range of publications from Outside to Newsweek, or on the walls of the Museum of Modern Art (MOMA) or the International Center of Photography (ICP)—canvases of the human footprint tromping around on Earth. Call them social commentary—a bird’s-eye view of the parasitic nature of humans; an animal behavioral study of how we congregate; or simply a rat race that we perpetuate, living each day in order to spend a few hours paddling, boating, or lounging on an ocean vista.

Wrightsville Beach waterway and sandbar, North Carolina

Either way you choose to look at it, Logan’s captures are nothing short of beautiful. With a newly rendered landscape genre born out of drone technology and that allows for a pure use of form and composition, he shows us a perspective only typically observed from low-flying airplanes, hot air balloons, and perhaps helicopters, modes of transport not normally featured in most peoples’ travel plans.

And as this 6’6” tall shooter takes us to new heights with his aerials, his depths are impressive too, as his work below the waves is sure to impress. He utilizes an ability to dive to 107 feet and hold his breath for 4 minutes and 45 seconds in order to capture life, divers, and the natural world around him. But whether above land or under the sea, this North Carolina shooter documents his backyard (and mine) in a way that any Tarheel would look at these images and wax nostalgic about NC, our most picturesque home state.

Fourth of July, Wrightsville, North Carolina

Stand Up Paddle race, California

Stand Up Paddle race at Dana Point, California

Paddle boarders in an SUP race, California

Boat parked in the marshes of the Inner Coastal Waterways, North Carolina

North Carolina beach in summer

Carolina Beach during the summer holiday, North Carolina

The marshes of Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina

Inlet at Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina

Logan Mock-Bunting

To see more of Logan’s work, check out his website.



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