The powerful tail of a manatee, Florida, USA
Our newest Photographer of the Week spends literally every single day in the water! Johnny Matthews has been a dive professional for over a decade now, spending time drifting on the currents in Cozumel, the huge reefs of Roatán, the bright blue waters of Hawaii, and now the fantastically diverse state of Florida.
Johnny began his underwater photography journey about seven years ago, and as many a photographer can relate to, once he picked up that first camera, he was hooked. Johnny works as a captain on a shark diving boat in Florida, bringing first-timers and experienced shark divers alike out into the wonderful waters of the Gulf Stream to experience these fantastic animals up close and personal. Bringing people face to face with sharks in their element can dramatically alter perceptions of these most famous of ocean predators.
Johnny’s goals with his photography is to document ocean life to show those who may not be lucky enough to peek below the surface the incredible world below. While he says his goal is to share the beauty of the underwater world, Johnny acknowledges that no image can really do it justice. For those interested in learning tips and tricks for improving their underwater photography, Johnny’s Instagram is a valuable resource—as is the e-book he recently published, which can be found on his website.
A lemon shark cruises just below the surface on a cloudy day, Florida, USA
A bull shark lunging towards the surface, Florida, USA
A trio of green sea turtle posing for their album cover, Hawaii, USA
Silky shark split on a summer day, Florida, USA
A sandbar shark, trailing fishing gear from its mouth, noses towards the surface, Florida, USA
The intelligent eye of a common octopus, Florida, USA
A big, beefy bull shark in black and white, Florida, USA
Green sea turtles aggregate on a cleaning station, Hawaii, USA
A sandbar shark takes a quick turn away from the camera, Florida, USA
Up close and personal with a sandbar shark, Florida, USA
Lemon snaps! A lemon shark showing off its ampullae of Lorenzini, Florida, USA
A mother and calf manatee resting beneath the winter sun, Florida, USA
To see more of Johnny’s work, please follow him on Instagram and visit his website,
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