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Dive Photo Guide


Photographer of the Week – Erin Quigley
By Joseph Tepper, March 12, 2015 @ 06:00 AM (EST)

Erin Quigley was always meant to be in the spotlight. Long before becoming an underwater photographer, Erin began her career as a Tony-nominated costume designer working on Broadway and  in Hollywood.

Her attention to detail designing costumes transitioned seamlessly into her career as a photographer and image-editing guru, earning her multiple awards and certification as an Adobe ACE digital imaging expert. Where other photographers might skim over a small flaw in an image, Erin makes sure every picture is presented perfectly. It’s that dedication that has helped create her success while competing for Tony and underwater photography awards alike.

DPG continues our celebration of Women’s History Month with the portfolio of Erin Quigley.

Rockabye Baby: Humpback whale mother and newborn calf in Tonga

Sister Noelle and whale shark, Isla Mujeres, Mexico

Reef manta parting shot, Hanifaru Bay, Baa Atoll, Maldives

Ron and chevron barracudas, Walindi Plantation, Papua New Guinea

Send in the clowns, Maldives

Crinoid shrimp, Alor, Indonesia

Flying flabellina, Wakatobi, Indonesia

Conch eyes, Little Cayman, Cayman Islands

Algae octopus at night, Lembeh, Indonesia

Juvenile batfish, Lembeh, Indonesia

The one that got away, Isla Guadalupe, Mexico

Erin hard at work with a selfie

To view more of Erin’s work—or discover how to edit and organize your images without tearing out your hair—hop on over to the GoAskErin website.


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