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Photographer of the Week – Didem Nalbantgil
By Matthew Sullivan, January 30, 2025 @ 10:00 AM (EST)

An iconic fish in North Sulawesi, the banggai cardinalfish, Lembeh Strait, Indonesia

Prof. Dr. Didem Nalbantgil is an accomplished orthodontist by profession, but her journey into the underwater world began unexpectedly a short six years ago. Growing up in Izmir, a beautiful coastal city by the Aegean Sea, she spent much of her childhood near the water. Despite this, a fear of sharks had kept her from fully embracing the ocean. That all changed when she bought a GoPro for her daughter. While attempting to capture a video of a fish, she found herself completely captivated by the stunning beauty of the underwater world.

What began as a simple video experiment soon blossomed into a deep passion for underwater photography. Diving quickly became more than just a hobby for Prof. Dr. Nalbantgil—it became a form of meditation, a way to connect with nature on a profound level. Inspired by the incredible marine life she encountered, she felt a strong desire to share these underwater wonders with others, particularly those who may never have had the chance to see them. From that first dive onward, her mission became clear: to showcase the beauty of the oceans and contribute to their conservation.

Today, Didem uses a Nikon D850 with a Nauticam housing to capture the vibrant life and breathtaking landscapes beneath the surface. Through her photographs, she hopes to raise awareness about the importance of protecting the oceans and inspire others to appreciate and safeguard these natural treasures. For her, underwater photography is more than just art—it's about creating a connection between people and the fragile, magical world beneath the waves.

A big tiger shark side-eyes the camera as it passes by, Fuvahmulah, Maldives

A pair of lemon gobies have made their home in a well-decorated coconut, Bangka, Indonesia

A spectacularly patterned and adorned juvenile zebra batfish, Lembeh Strait, Indonesia

A barracuda shows off its impressive teeth, Raja Ampat, Indonesia

While it gets less shine than its close relative, the blue-ringed octopus, the mototi possesses the exact same venom and is just as toxic, Lembeh Strait, Indonesia

An adult female ribbon eel, lit beautifullly by snoot, Sipadan, Borneo

A soft coral or candy crab perched on its home soft coral, Lembeh Strait, Indonesia

A coconut octopus shelters in... not a coconut, Lembeh Strait, Indonesia

A whip coral goby hogs the spotlight, Sipadan, Borneo, Malaysia

Hitching a ride, this emperor shrimp will spend its entire life on its host sea cucumber, Lembeh Strait, Indonesia

A beautiful thorny seahorse clings to a seapen, Siladen, Indonesia

A whale shark, replete with a huge following of remoras, feeds at the surface, Maldives

An anemonefish taking a spicy chomp of an anemone tentacle, Maldives

A synchronized school of shrimpfish aka razorfish, Siladen, Indonesia

To see more of Didem’s work, please give her a follow on Instagram.


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