A coral-dwelling hermit crab, using a hole in hard coral vs a snail shell as shelter, Solomon Islands
Alex Glick has always been fascinated and mesmerized by nature, but credits his first ever scuba dive with turning that fascination into an obsession. Alex’s mother was a diver before he was born, and she encouraged him to follow his new passion and to complete his open water certification in Roatán in 2006. For several years, Alex was a “vacation diver,” going on a dive trip every once in a while. Then, while studying abroad in South Africa, he joined the Cape Town Scuba Diving Club, first taking a GoPro underwater. From that point forward, it was not enough for him simply to just dive; he needed a task to perform underwater. That led him to pursue a career as an aquarium maintenance diver.
It was during this time that Alex began to take advantage of the camera gear at his disposal thanks to his job. He quickly stepped up to an Olympus Tough TG5 and focused largely on macro photography. Through training at work, he was able to dip his toe into the mirrorless realm with the Panasonic Lumix GH5. After saving up and receiving some inspiration from a friend, Alex purchased a Sony A7RIII and has been using Sony cameras ever since.
Alex’s passion for the underwater world has led him all over the globe, from the Caribbean, to the California kelp forests, to the streams of the Appalachian Mountains, to the pristine reefs and wrecks of the Solomon Islands. Alex says he uses what he has learned behind the camera to help document some of the field research and scientific diving he does as a part of an aquarium dive team. As many a photographer will echo, Alex hopes that through underwater imagery, he can inspire others, young and old, to care and take time to appreciate how amazing our planet is.
A pair of California sea lions play together in the kelp, California, USA
A trio of batfish strike an album cover pose, Solomon Islands
A juvenile squid photographed over 700 feet of blackwater, Florida, USA
An adorable combtooth blenny gives its best sad puppy eyes, Solomon Islands
A soft coral goby blends in beautifully with a sea fan, Solomon Islands
A crayfish rests outside its burrow in an Appalachian stream, Georgia, USA
The eye of a grouper, photographed as an extreme close-up, Little Cayman, Cayman Islands
A wonderful section of kelp forests, bathed by the California sun, California, USA
A manatee comes up to inspect the photographer, Florida, USA
A day octopus moves like liquid over a sea fan, Solomon Islands
Bar jacks and southern stingrays team up to hunt prey in the sand, Little Cayman, Cayman Islands
A beautiful crab-eye goby hovers outside its burrow, Solomon Islands
A spectacular coral reef adorned with both hard and soft corals, Solomon Islands
To see more of Alex’s work, please give him a follow on Instagram and visit his website,
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