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Dive Photo Guide


Photographer of the Week - Rodrigo Friscione
By Lia Barrett, January 16, 2014 @ 06:00 AM (EST)

Scrolling through a sampling of the DPG Photographer of the Week Rodrigo Friscione's work makes you want to tether yourself to his rig and enter his world through his lens.  It is no question that he has ticked off bucket list encounters that most will only dream of.  But Rodrigo's images involve much more than a mere jump in the water and shutter pull.  No, this photographer has dedicated countless hours to scouting his native waters in search for the ultimate moments.

For the majority of his life, Rodrigo Friscione has been drawn to the sea.  As an accomplished national record setting swimmer for Mexico (50m freestyle), a freediver, and now an underwater photographer, it seems the only thing missing from this Jack of all water trades is a set of gills.

Growing up in Cancun, Mexico, Rodrigo has been involved with his family’s dive shop for as long as he can remember.  From a young age, an exceptional and unique access to the ocean instilled in him an appreciation and love for big animal encounters.  Through years of diving, his affinity for pelagics was refined by an interest in photography, and today, he is an active member of Pelagic Life, one of Mexico’s leading ocean conservation NGOs.

Today, Rodrigo runs his family’s dive shop in Cancun, and when he is not out shooting sailfish or swimming alongside whale sharks, he is exploring his beloved home waters, searching for new unknown sweet spots to capture and reveal to the world.

To see more of Rodrigo's work, go to: www.rodrigofriscione.com or to join him in adventure, visit: http://www.solobuceo.com/.



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