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Photographer of the Week - One Ocean One Breath
By Lia Barrett, January 9, 2014 @ 06:00 AM (EST)

Visual team, One Ocean One Breath, is comprised of husband and wife, Eusebio and Christina Saenz de Santamaria.  Yes, perhaps it is unfair that this dynamite, deep-diving, ridiculously good-looking duo is also equipped with photographic aptitude, but c'est la vie.  The team travels around the world using their record breath-holding abilities to model and shoot each other as well as the ocean-traversing wildlife.

Christina, from Sydney, Australia has been freediving since 2005 and is Australia’s deepest female freediver in history, currently holding National Records in two depth disciplines. Eusebio, from Bilbao in northern Spain, is the co-founder of ‘Apnea Total’, one of the world’s largest freediving education systems.  He is also a former record-holder in the three depth disciplines.

When not teaching or training on their island home of Koh Tao, Thailand, they are exploring the world’s oceans on one breath with camera in hand.  Freediving has enabled them to have more intimate interactions with marine creatures such as the dolphins of Hawaii and the Caribbean Reef Sharks of Roatan. Their adventures have taken them to the depths of the Caribbean, the mysterious Cenotes of the Yucatan, the blue waters of the Pacific, Southeast Asia, and beyond. Their images are an expression of their underwater experiences as freedivers and a way to share their underwater world with others.  And as an outsider gazing at their images, one cannot help but be curious about the freedom and intimacy with nature that ensues when leaving the tank behind.

With Caribbean reef sharks off of Roatán, Honduras

Eusebio & Christina Saenz de Santamaria

For more information, please visit their websites:



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