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Dive Photo Guide


Photographer of the Week - Luis Javier Sandoval
By Lia Barrett, January 30, 2014 @ 06:00 AM (EST)

Mexican photographer Luis Javier Sandoval is no stranger to the sea.  He began snorkeling when he was a mere four-years of age, and grew up with both the Caribbean and Pacific coasts of Mexico within his reach.  With such early exposure, it is no wonder that Luis possesses such an innate passion for the ocean and its critters.  

His attitude towards underwater photography is one of a lifelong student.  Continuously trying to learn how others do techniques by mimicking images and adding his own twist, Luis finds the challenge of creating something novel extremely rewarding.  His approach to devising distinctive images is to make dive choices that others may forgo, such as choosing obscure locations to dive and jumping in at lower lit times of day.  Luis is especially drawn towards these low light conditions, for capturing movement in his subjects has become part of his signature style.

Luis is also interested in documenting animal behavior, and organizes underwater photo trips with his friends and customers, carefully choosing the best dive sites and the prime shooting time to archive the planned photo.



For more images check out his website: seazoomdiving.com


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