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Dive Photo Guide


Photographer of the Week – Jacques de Vos
By Lia Barrett, February 6, 2014 @ 04:00 PM (EST)

Truly a "Jacques of all water trades," photographer, scuba instructor, commercial diver, and freediver Jacques de Vos has truly navigated his way through the underwater channels.  His progression was the result of much determination, as he refined his underwater photography skills between stints of working as an engineer in oil fields.  He also acknowledges the guidance of underwater photographer Phil Parr who encouraged his advancement.  And after developing his style and confidence on scuba, Jacques eventually set aside the tank and stepped under the fold into the realm of freediving photography. 

Today, as one of those creature mutants of breath hold (no offense to freedivers, clearly I'm in awe), Jacques works full time as an underwater photographer and videographer.  He is also a Blue Immersion Freediving Instructor Trainer, helping to further develop the cult of human fish.

Where photography and video are concerned, Jacques is self-taught, and must be a good teacher, for he has received international awards, and has filmed for the BBC and Red Bull.  When it comes to equipment, he's an Ikelite man, for he finds the strobe adjustment knobs efficient, which he points out is incredibly essential when diving on one breath!

To see more from Mr. Jacques, visit his website: jdvos.com


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