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Dive Photo Guide


DPG Isla Mujeres Whale Shark Expedition: Day 2
 August 28, 2013 @ 10:29 AM (EST)

After an almost flawless day 1, we looked to improve our images and experiences on day 2. We adjusted everything from the time we left the dock (earlier, to avoid boats) to our camera settings (photographers used to shooting manual mode were enlighted to the benefits of shutter priority for this type of situation).

We were a bit concerned at first, as the first group in the water reported terrible viz. Low light and lots of eggs in the water made for murky conditions, but as the day got older and the sun grew stronger, we were once again in beautiful water with an unmeasurable amount of whale sharks. An added bonus today was that there mantas everywhere. If a whale shark wasn't heading straight for you, chances are there was a manta ray right below you.

We are all convinced that this is one of the most special places in the world.  A few pics from today below.




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