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Dive Photo Guide


DPG Isla Mujeres Whale Shark Expedition: Day 1
 August 28, 2013 @ 12:01 AM (EST)

The DPG expedition to Isla Mujeres, Mexico started today when we went searching for whale sharks.   We have heard many amazing things about the whale shark congregation, but it's impossible to comprehend how amazing this spectacle is until you actually see it.

Within an hour of packing up the boat, we were surrounded by hundreds of whale sharks. Almost everywhere we turned there was a 20-35 foot shark cruising by near the surface. After spending about 5-6 hours in the water with them, we still couldn't quite grasp what we had just witnessed.

It was one of the most amazing days any of us had ever had on the water, and we still have four more left.



Whale sharks occasionally feed vertically in the water. The behavior is known as "botella" and we were lucky to witness it on the first day

Two whale shark silhouettes. Shooting from below offers a different perspective.

Underwater photographer and co-trip leader Keri Wilk returns to the surface after a free dive

A hungry whale shark. We're hoping they are not full yet so we can have a similar day tomorrow




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