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Dive Photo Guide


December's Jellyfish Parade
By Lia Barrett, January 13, 2014 @ 06:00 AM (EST)

Jellyfish winners

Here at DPG, we find great plasure in our monthly contests. We are able to get a glimpse at a range of very impressive work from many of our very talented readers. Unfortunately, so many images of high caliber go unpublished, often because of a mere few voting points. So to start off 2014, we decided to do a little recap of last month's contest, for December brought a round of exceptional jellyfish images that we think deserve recognition. 

To our delight and appreciation, we received images using a wide range of techniques from Snell's window, sunbursts, blackwater, and reflections, demonstrating the scope of creative abilities held by DPG contributors. So scroll through and enjoy! And of course, we encourage you to submit for this month's contest, "Wrecks and Artificial Reefs." And a special thanks to Prawno Apparel for providing prizes. Prizes are fun. And Prawno is fun!

As I was browsing through December's entrants to put this piece together, I noticed two really beautiful images by Sergi Garcia that were not submitted. So, instead of keeping them to myself, I decided to share them here for all to appreciate.


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