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Worldwide Dive and Sail Launches S/Y Truk Siren With Chance To Win 10-Night Trip
By Matt J. Weiss, April 9, 2013 @ 11:55 AM (EST)

Worldwide Dive and Sail continues their expansion of their Siren Fleet with the addition of the S/Y Truk Siren that  will be running 10 and 7 night itineraries in Truk Lagoon.

Truk is known as the "wreck capital of the world" with 61 wrecks to dive. the S/Y Truk Siren caters to the wreck diver by offering a wider range of facilities for tec divers including free nitrox, Poseidon MKVI rebreathers for rent, an oxygen and & helium blending station and a deco bar.

To celebrate the launch, WWDAS is running a competition to win a FREE 10 Night trip to Truk Lagoon. You simply need to go here, and say why would want to dive with the Siren Fleet. Need some reasons? Check out our series "Sailing with Sirens." Full Press Release below.



Press Release



Win a 10-Night Trip to Truk Lagoon with the Siren Fleet

To celebrate the launch of their newest destination, Worldwide Dive and Sail’s Siren Fleet is offering you the chance to win a 10-night liveaboard safari aboard the S/Y Truk Siren!! Enter their online competition and you could be well on your way to diving the wreck capital of the world!

Commencing operation in November 2014, the S/Y Truk Siren will offer divers the choice of 7-night or 10-night itineraries year round. There are over 61 wrecks to dive in Truk Lagoon as well as stunning coral pinnacles within the lagoon that attract sharks and other pelagic fish species. Many of the wrecks are within suitable depths for recreational divers (40m/130ft) however some sites require tec/wreck diving qualifications and experience.

A spacious dive deck, with plenty of storage is one of the signatures of the Siren Fleet yachts and the S/Y Truk Siren is no exception to this rule. The deck will also be refitted to provide a more flexible set up and a wider range of facilities for tec diving groups.

On board tec/wreck divers can benefit from an oxygen & helium blending station along with manifold twin-tank sets and stage tanks. There will also be a deco bar for safety stops and required decompression stops. Meanwhile dive activities are also supported by 2 rhib tenders – providing extra surface cover and greater flexibility of dive plans.

All guests will be provided with 15l tanks and nitrox* (up to 32%) free of charge, as well as a full set of Aqua Lung rental equipment (bcd, regulator, wetsuit, fins & mask). Poseidon MKVI recreational rebreathers will be available for rental or courses and the S/Y Truk Siren will be fully rebreather-diver friendly.

Contact the Siren Fleet team to reserve your place, book by 31st May 2013 to qualify for their “Early Bird” Special. Trips are priced as follows:-

7-nights     Standard Rate 3250US$   
10-nights     Standard Rate 4620US$   


*Must be qualified Enriched Air Diver



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