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Winners of Through Your Lens 2021 Photo Competition Unveiled
By Ian Bongso-Seldrup, September 6, 2021 @ 08:30 PM (EST)

Grand Prize Winner

Scuba Diving Magazine has unveiled the winners of the 2021 Through Your Lens Photo Contest, which received more than 1,700 submissions this year. Entries in four categories were considered—Behavior, Compact Camera, Macro, and Wide Angle—with the Grand Prize going to the best image overall. A stunning French angelfish portrait by DPGer Lorenzo Mittiga claimed the top prize.

Chris Gug came in first place in Behavior with his fabulous shot of an oxycephalus amphipod clinging to a spiraling salp, Miguel Ramirez’s Réunion Island reflected reef squid clinched gold in the Compact Camera category, the top Macro shot went to Giacomo Marchione for his exquisitely colorful emperor shrimp and Spanish dancer, and Viktor Lyagushkin combined surface and under-ice worlds in one brilliant Wide Angle shot. 

Congratulations to all the winners!

1st Place, Behavior

1st Place, Compact Camera

1st Place, Macro

1st Place, Wide Angle



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