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Dive Photo Guide


The Winners Of The DEEP Indonesia 2011 Photo Competition Have Been Announced
By Matt J. Weiss, March 31, 2011 @ 01:11 AM (EST)

DivePhotoGuide and Wetpixel are proud to announce the winners of the 5th annual DEEP Indonesia international photography & video competition.  The competition is  held in association with the DEEP & Extreme Indonesia dive show and is part of a joint series  which also includes the Our World Underwater photo competition.

The winners of the DEEP Indonesia competition represented 10 countries and  include a diverse and creative set of images that showcase amazing subjects shot with creative techniques.

The DEEP Indonesia competition is slightly different than most other major underwater photography competitions in that there are 7 themed categories, such as animal behavior and reefscaoes, rather than the more traditional categories. This means that in many categories wide-angle and macro images are competing against each other, which leads to an interesting collection of winning images.  Full coverage of the winners can be seen on Underwatercompetition.com

Animal Behavior Gold and Best in Show - Erin Quigly

Animal Portrait Gold - Bettina Balnis

Divers Gold - Damien Siviero

Reefscapes Gold - Anthony Plummer

Compact Cameras Gold - Marcus Commodore

Indonesia Residents Gold - Ronny Rengkung

Environment and Conservation Gold -Juanmi Alemany 




GoPro HERO13 Black
Seacam Housing for Sony a9 III
Nauticam NA-Z6III
Ikelite Housing for Canon EOS R5 II
Backscatter Hybrid Flash HF-1
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