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Dive Photo Guide


UWP Magazine Issue #47 Available For Download
By Jason Heller, March 7, 2009 @ 02:00 AM (EST)

Our friends at UWP Mag have released their latest issue. You can download it now from their website at UWPMag.com

In this issue:

News, Travel & Events
Underwater Photography MagazineThe World’s First Underwater Photography and Freediving Course
2009 Workshop with Mauricio Handler
Sea Lady UW Photo Competition
Solomon Islands / Bilikiki Charter Led by: Rod Klein
Maria Munn Photo Trip Nuweiba
underwaterphotography.com 2008/9 Champion - Michel Lonfat
Tony White Kima Bajo & Kungkungan Bay workshop
2009 Underwater Images Photo-Video Competition
Orca Divers Underwater Photography Competition 2008
Celebrate the Sea Festival 2009 Philippines
DivePhotoGuide Wetpixel Competition
“Aphrodite” the Cyprus Experience Competition

New Products
Aquatica Nikon D90 housing
Heinrichsweikamp Remote Slave Unit
UK Germany Panasonic LX3/DL4 housing
Sea&Sea DX-1200HD
Watershot Canon WDS-450D housing
IMAX Under the Sea 3D
Ikelite WD-4 Wide Angle Conversion Dome
10Bar housing for Nikon D90
Fantasea Canon PowerShot SD1100 housing
Aquatica Canon 5D mark II housing
Best Underwater Point & Shoot Cameras for 2009
SUBAL in corporate image makeover
Sea&Sea RDX DSLR Housings
HDVSEATEK lights and lenses
Sea&Sea RDX DSLR housings
New Guam’s Ocean
Leyndardómar sjávarins vio Ísland
Ilha Grande Submerged
Beneath Cornish Seas

Equipemt reviews
10Bar LX3 housing by Sim Chee Ghee/Peter Rowlands
DIY Ring flash by Alexander Mustard

3 Workshops by Alan Larsen
Compact Workshop by David Kittos
Alex Mustard Workshop by Julian Cohen

Compact Course 1 by Maria Munn

Peter Scoones by Gillian McDonald

Marine life
Morehead City Sharks by Chris Walker
Cuttlery Draw by Rob Spray

Bali Reprised by Mark Webster

DVD review
Shooting Magic by Steve Williams

Parting Shots
by Patrick Mitchell-Jones and Ted Kinsman

 Again, you can download  the current issue now from their website at UWPMag.com




GoPro HERO13 Black
Seacam Housing for Sony a9 III
Nauticam NA-Z6III
Ikelite Housing for Canon EOS R5 II
Backscatter Hybrid Flash HF-1
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