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Underwater Journal Issue #6 Available For Download
By Jason Heller, January 22, 2008 @ 02:00 AM (EST)
Source: Underwaterjournal.com


The free, online publication, the Underwater Journal has released their latest issue.

 For those with a interest of entering the Dark Side the Underwater Journal has put together a pretty extensive round-up of closed circuit rebtreathers based on what was present at last Novembers DEMA show.  Also inside: 
  • A spectacular into Konas incredible open ocean, night dive scene
  • Oceana takes on Global Warming; learn and get on board
  • A view into some of Lake Superior wrecks
  • Ned DeLoach, author of REEF FISH Identification about going face to face with pikeblennies
  • plus a few more treats.
Download it now, and get in and explore! Also, be sure to tell a friend. Note: do file size, traffic on the net, some readers may experience a delay in downloading the complete 61 page journal. Some copies can take up a minute. Download below...




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