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Dive Photo Guide


An Underwater Photographer’s Guide to DEMA 2014
By DPG Editorial Staff, November 15, 2014 @ 06:00 AM (EST)

Nine-thousand visitors. Huge show floor. Hundreds of booths with new imaging equipment. Oh, and did we mention it's in Las Vegas, baby?

Walking into DEMA can be an overwhelming experience, even for the seasoned visitor. That’s why, every year, DPG produces a guide dedicated to the needs of any big-eyed underwater photographer visiting the dive industry’s biggest event.

Our “Underwater Photographer’s Guide to DEMA” provides everything you need to know to get the most out of DEMA—from the show floor, to educational seminars, and of course, the legendary DPG/Wetpixel Underwater Imaging Party. Also, make sure to check out our DEMA Imaging Product Preview for an early look at what we will see on the show floor.

If you can’t make it to Sin City, don’t sweat it. DPG will be posting daily coverage of everything from the new equipment on the show floor to the after-hours partying on the dance floor. Click here for our DEMA 2014 show coverage homepage.

DEMA 2014 Underwater Imaging Center:

This area of the show floor is the home base for the underwater imaging industry. It contains the vast majority of underwater photo and video equipment booths. Make sure to stop by DPG at booths 3226 and 3227 to say "hi" to the DPG team.

DEMA 2014 Underwater Imaging Booths:

  • 10 Bar – 3018
  • Acquapazza – 3209
  • Aquatica – 3033
  • Backscatter uw Video & Photo – 3041
  • Beneath the Surface – 1409, 3218
  • Bonica Precision Inc. – 2927
  • BS Kinetics GmbH – 3122
  • Canon U.S.A. Inc. – 3242
  • DivePhotoGuide.com – 3226, 3227
  • Epoque World Co. Ltd. – 2843
  • Fantasea Line – 3019
  • Gates Underwater Products, Inc. – 3021
  • GoPro – 2754
  • Ikelite – 2727
  • Intova – 3027
  • Keldan – 3228
  • Light & Motion – 2833
  • Nauticam International Ltd. – 3133
  • Northern California Underwater Photographic Society – 2942
  • Pelican Products – 1412
  • ReefNet – 3026
  • Sea and Sea – 2832
  • Seacam USA dba Waterhouse Tours – 2938
  • SeaLife Cameras (Pioneer Research) – 2819
  • Subal – 2926
  • UltraLight Control Systems – 2926
  • XIT 404, LLC – 3139

A crowd gathers to enter a previous DEMA.


DEMA 2014 Image Resource Center Seminars:

As if all the new equipment on the show floor wasn’t enough to keep you busy for the week, DEMA hosts the Image Resource Center Seminar Series, where some of the top image makers present on a variety of topics. This year’s line up looks pretty sweet:


11:00 AM – 11:45 AM
Lights, Camera, Action! How to Film Animal Behavior
Sponsored by Nauticam, Booth 3133

Emmy Award Winning Cinematographer Cristian Dimitrius shares his secrets about how to research, find and shoot animal behavior. Doesn’t matter the experience and camera available he believes that anyone can find interesting behavior underwater and tell a great story. Its just a matter of practice and following some rules. Join this presentation and turn your next dive trip into a short natural history film. By Cristian Dimitrius

12:00 PM – 12:45 PM
Shooting Video with a Compact Camera
Sponsored by Backscatter uw Video & Photo, Booth 3041

You don’t need a big camera to get pro results. Whether you have a camera that is completely automatic, or has full manual control, learn shooting techniques for exposure, composition, and getting the color right with your compact camera.
Presented by Joel Penner

1:00 PM – 1:45 PM
Beneath the Sea – An Explorer’s Journey
Sponsored by Light & Motion, Booth 2833

As an underwater explorer and photographer, Kip has led, or participated in expeditions to remote places such as Cuba, Honduras, Samoa, and Cocos’ Island. As a National Geographic expedition photographer, he has piloted deep-sea submersibles in remote areas, diving nearly 1,800 feet deep. This past June he spent 17 days living underwater in the Aquarius habitat with Fabien Cousteau, the grandson of legendary ocean explore Jacque Cousteau. Come and enjoy his adventures stories and humorous tales from the deep. Kip will share his footage and photographs from recent Mission Blue expeditions with Dr. Sylvia Earle to the Gulf of California and Costa Rica. He will also share some personal highlights from life under the sea with Mission 31.
Presented by Kip Evans

2:00 PM – 2:45 PM
Dirty Tricks for Underwater Photographers in Lightroom and Photoshop
Sponsored by UltraLight Control Systems, Booth 2926

Is it really cheating? Make up your own mind while learning invaluable techniques to deal with some of the most common problems we face as underwater photographers.
Presented by Erin Quigley

3:00 PM – 3:45 PM
Putting it All Together: Creating the Underwater Photojournalism Package
Sponsored by DivePhotoGuide.com, Booth 3226, 3227

Discover how to fuse your writing and images to tell a compelling story that grabs the attention of any potential reader, customer, or editor. Learn the latest techniques for crafting the ultimate photojournalism package for both print and digital media.
Presented by Joseph Tepper

4:00 PM – 4:45 PM
Not All 4K is 4K is 4K: A Look at 4K Technology and Workflow
Sponsored by Gates Underwater Products, Inc., Booth 3021

Let’s clear the air on 4K. From RED Dragon to Canon’s C500 and 1DC to Panasonic GH4 and even the new GoPro Hero 4. What does 4K really mean? How do various camera systems handle 4K resolution, compression, color sampling, bit depth and what does all this mean to the guys and girls that just want to make pretty images underwater? If I shoot 4K, how do I work with it in post? How can I display 4K? What if I just want to shoot now in 4K and put my 1080p up on Vimeo and Youtube? Hear all this and more from award winning underwater filmmaker Ron Lagerlof.
Presented by Ron Lagerlof


11:00 AM – 11:45 AM
Video Tips from the Pros
Sponsored by Gates Underwater Products, Inc., Booth 3021

Underwater imaging professionals share their tips for great underwater clips and sequences.
Presented by John Ellerbrock

12:00 PM – 12:45 PM
Fluorescence Night Diving
Sponsored by FireDiveGear.com, Booth 2911

A discussion of fluorescence night diving, the “how to”, what is it? equipment required, photography considerations, safety considerations and implications for coral health and climate change research.
Presented by Lynn Miner

1:00 PM – 1:45 PM
Water Born: The Making Of
Sponsored by Scuba Diver Life, Booth 2909

Join key members of the cast & crew of the brand new underwater web series, “Water Born”, as they reveal in detail the logistics and technical aspects of how they created the show. Learn everything from cameras used for the series, as well as advice in underwater cinematography.
Presented by Nadia Aly, Kirk Krack, Goh Iromoto

2:00 PM – 2:45 PM
From Blah to Aaah! – Maximizing the Potential of Your Images in Post
Sponsored by UltraLight Control Systems, Booth 2926

Learn to take your ho-hum shots and turn them into heroes using Lightroom and Photoshop techniques developed specifically for underwater shooters.
Presented by Erin Quigley

3:00 PM – 3:45 PM
Compact, Mirrorless, SLR – Which Camera System is Right for Me?
Sponsored by Backscatter uw Video & Photo, Booth 3041

Learn about the pros and cons of each category and the accessories and techniques needed to take great underwater photos and videos with your compact camera. Topics covered include picking a system for your needs, strobe placement, and how to judge your exposure.
Presented by Jim Decker

4:00 PM – 4:45 PM
Personal Visions – 4 Shooters Capture the Best of the Bahamas
Sponsored by SEACAM USA, Booth 2938

Using the Bahamas as an example, four photographers travel to the destination to communicate the essence of the dive experience. Images by Stephen Frink, Berkley White, Alex Mustard, and Eric Cheng.
Presented by Stephen Frink and Berkley White


11:00 AM – 11:45 AM
You Shoulda Been Here Last Week – An Unconditional Guide to Wide Angle Photography
Sponsored by SEA&SEA, Booth 2832

Never again will you hear the divemaster say those terrifying 6 words: “You shoulda been here last week!”. This seminar will cover wide-angle lighting and composition techniques for beautiful images in the most challenging conditions.
Presented by Andy Sallmon and Allison Sallmon

12:00 PM – 12:45 PM
World in Motion – Underwater
Sponsored by Nauticam, Booth 3133

Capture and share the world-in-motion underwater using today’s mirrorless and SLR cameras… it’s easier than ever to shoot very high quality video and get it out to your audience. Shoot, cut and share in minutes.
Presented by Chris Parsons

1:00 PM – 1:45 PM
Ten Tips to Improve your Underwater Videos
Sponsored by Light & Motion, Booth 2833

Jill Heinerth, writer of DIVER Magazine’s regular column, “Final Cut,” will offer up her top ten tips for improving your underwater videos. Whether you are a new videographer or an experienced shooter, she’ll share her secrets for underwater lighting, storytelling and composition. An award-winning filmmaker, she has also owned a dive shop and worked in a resort setting during her career. She’ll offer tips for increasing sales opportunities in the field of underwater photography and video.
Presented by Jill Heinerth

2:00 PM – 2:45 PM
Blasting Backscatter and Bubbles in Post
Sponsored by UltraLight Control Systems, Booth 2926

Learn the best tools and techniques to help clean up the goo in your images using Lightroom and Photoshop.
Presented by Erin Quigley

3:00 PM – 3:45 PM
The Business of Photo/Video for Social Media, Events, & Mobile Marketing
Sponsored by Dive Into Your Imagination, Booth 3220

Photo and Video has exploded with the technological revolution and is changing the way we interact. This presentation is designed to introduce resorts, storeowners and dive professionals to the business of photo/video and how it can be used to generate more exposure for their companies, events, and increase sales.
Presented by Annie Crawley

4:00 PM – 4:45 PM
Fluorescence in the Sea – The Science Behind the Image
Sponsored by Light & Motion, Booth 2833

The fluorescence of corals and other marine organisms is strikingly beautiful. This presentation will discuss the origins of underwater fluorescence, its possible biological function, and how the diving community can contribute to scientific knowledge.
Presented by Charles Mazel, PhD


11:00 AM – 11:45 AM
Practical Aspects of 4K Underwater Video
Sponsored by Gates Underwater Products Inc., Booth 3021

A look at the considerations for acquiring 4K underwater video. The topic covers equipment, technique and technology.
Presented by John Ellerbrock

12:00 PM – 12:45 PM
Professional Underwater Filmaking: How to Make it into the Business
Sponsored by Nauticam, Booth 3133

Emmy Award Winning Cinematographer Cristian Dimitrius started his career as a Divemaster shooting customers on regular dives and now work for the major Natural History channels like BBC, National Geographic and Discovery Channel. He uses the latest camera technologies mixed with DSLRS and even compact cameras. On this motivational talk he give tips on how to make better underwater movies and share all the secrets to how to become a professional underwater filmmaker and work for the big guys. Its a must for aspiring filmmakers.
Presented by Cristian Dimitrius

DPG-Wetpixel Underwater Imaging Party

We’d like to say that the show floor is the can’t miss part of DEMA. But let’s be honest: It’s all about the parties. The DPG-Wetpixel Underwater Imaging Party has become the biggest post show bash—and this year is better than ever moving to the glamorous pool at the Westgate Las Vegas hotel. As always, get there early for your share of free drinks!


What: DPG-Wetpixel Underwater Imaging Party
When: November 20th, 2014, 8–11PM
Where: Poolside at the Westgate Las Vegas Hotel




Backscatter Smart Control Optical TTL Flash Trigger
Sea & Sea MDX-R5II
Nauticam NA-R1
Ikelite Housing for Canon EOS R5 II
Backscatter Hybrid Flash HF-1
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