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Underwater Jet Packs to “Unleash Your Inner Superhero”
By Ian Seldrup, October 25, 2015 @ 11:40 PM (EST)
Source: Indiegogo

The freediver’s quintessential “wet dream” may soon become a reality if three entrepreneurs from the UK have their way. The team from Portsmouth, England is currently running an IndieGoGo crowdfunding campaign to raise funds to bring to market the ultimate freedivers’ toy—an underwater jet pack.

The x2 Sport, which is still at the prototype stage, has a maximum speed of about 6mph and is powered by a battery pack worn like a backpack. “Guiding yourself through the water is a breeze,” writes the team on their Indiegogo page. “All you have to do is point your arms where you want to go.” Or, as the video accompanying the crowdfunding effort puts it: “Unleash your inner superhero”!

The entrepreneurs’ company, SCP Marine Innovation, has just five more days (at the time of writing) to achieve their $35,000 goal, with just $12,000 raised so far. If they get there, the jet packs could eventually start shipping around September next year.

The crowdfunding campaign is offering various benefits to those who pledge money. For $1,400, you can become a “Jet Pack Pioneer,” giving you access to a pre-release beta version of the x2 Sport so your feedback can help to refine it. You can also get an “early bird” special price of the production model jet pack if you pledge $2,000.

Check out the video below—“Underwater jet packs are go!”



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