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The Underwater Club Event: Split Shots Masterclass with Matty Smith
By Ian Bongso-Seldrup, January 30, 2025 @ 10:30 PM (EST)

Among the most compelling types of underwater images, some are not entirely underwater: With over-unders, or split shots, you get to see both the world above the waterline and the world below, and that’s precisely why they can make for such exciting pictures. But it’s also what makes them so challenging to create—and why the next event hosted by The Underwater Club (TUC) is not to be missed! Club founder and Nauticam/Mares Ambassador Nicolas Remy will be joined by split-shot master Matty Smith.

As well as taking a deep dive into Matty’s award-winning work, during the two-hour session, the UK-born, Australia-based shooter will be talking about the equipment he uses (including his own custom big domes), choosing good subjects and locations for split shots, how to master lighting half-and-halfs, and discussing various tips for winning photography awards with splits.

As usual, TUC members join for free, while non-members will need to purchase tickets to the event at AU$49 (approx. US$35). Note that this is also the price of monthly membership, so this is the perfect opportunity to join the club and take advantage of all of the membership benefits.

Here are the event times:

  • February 9th, 12pm Los Angeles time (PST)
  • February 9th, 2pm Dallas time (CST)
  • February 9th, 3pm Miami time (EST)
  • February 9th, 8pm London time (GMT)
  • February 9th, 9pm Paris/Rome/Berlin time (CET)
  • February 10th, 7am Sydney time (AEDT)
  • February 10th, 9am Auckland time (NZDT)




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