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Dive Photo Guide


The Underwater Club Event: Selecting Photos for Competitions
By DPG Editorial Staff, September 6, 2023 @ 09:30 PM (EST)

With the photography competition season just around the corner, it will soon be time to start digging through your catalog and choosing your best images to submit. But how do you go about selecting pictures that stand the best chance of winning? DPG contributor and Australia-based pro shooter Nicolas Remy—who runs online underwater photography school The Underwater Club—will be holding webinars on September 17th and 18th to answer that very question.

The events, held at two different times to accommodate participants in various time zones, will each have two parts. In the first, Nicolas will talk about the “do’s and don’ts” of entering photo competitions, using his own images as examples, including “some of his award-winning images, some images which regularly get to finals but never win, and some of those which didn’t go anywhere!” In the second part, he’ll discuss participants’ own photos—each participant will be invited to submit up to three images before the session—and provide feedback that aims to allow everyone to improve their selection skills. (Depending on the number of images to cover, the session may be extended or Nicolas will provide personal email feedback afterwards.)

The first webinar is on Sunday, September 17th at 8pm EST (the following day at 10am AEST) and the second is on Monday, September 18th at 6am EST (the same day at 8pm AEST). Members of The Underwater Club can join a session for free, while non-members can buy an event ticket, which costs A$59 (approx. $39).

DPG/Wetpixel Masters Underwater Imaging Competition, Traditional, 2nd place

Ocean Photographer of the Year 2022, Conservation (Hope), 1st place

Ocean Art 2022, Cold Water, 1st place

Deep Visions 2021, Cetaceans and Sharks, 2nd place



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