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Topaz Labs Releases Topaz Studio 2 “Creative” Photo Editor
By Ian Bongso-Seldrup, July 29, 2019 @ 11:30 PM (EST)
Source: DPReview

If your usual image-editing software is making your creative juices go stagnant, you may want to try out the latest version of Topaz Studio. According to its makers, Topaz Labs, “Topaz Studio 2 was made to help you bring your works of digital art to life”—in the spirit of “old masters like Monet, Van Gogh, and Cezanne.”

Version 2 introduces some significant changes, most notably the fact that users no longer need to purchase effects separately—they’re now all included. Topas Studio 2 allows you to use “powerful filters and frictionless masking in a fine-tuned non-destructive layer workflow.” In addition to filters and masking, there are various tools for adjusting gradients, colors, and luminance, as well as a spot tool that makes it possible to “emphasize a certain subject” in your image.

Among the filters included with the app is AI Clear, an artificial intelligence-powered sharpening/noise-removal tool; Precision Contrast, a micro-contrast filter designed to give your image crisp details and better tone; and a black-and-white conversion engine that emphasizes tone and texture. The filters work individually, but they can also be combined together in pre-built groups of filters called “Looks”—over 200 of which are included.

Available now, Topaz Studio 2 is currently going for an introductory price of $80, but will eventually retail for $100.




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