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Titanic Discoverer Plans to Map Underwater America
By Angela Messina, October 17, 2013 @ 07:05 PM (EST)
Source: National Geographic

Robert Ballard, a National Geographic explorer and discoverer of the Titanic, is planning a 10-year project to explore and map America’s underwater territory.

In 1983, President Ronald Reagan expanded the United States’ territory by 200 nautical miles from its shorelines, doubling the size of the country’s boundaries. Most of this underwater territory is uncharted, and Ballard plans to map it using a special kind of sonar developed by the U.S. during the Cold War.

Ballard recently sat down to do an interview with National Geographic in which he discusses what he’s discovered so far, his plans for the next year, and some of his past discoveries.

Read the full interview here.



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