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Dive Photo Guide


New Book by Tim Rock: 50 Best Sites in Micronesia
By Joanna Lentini, April 7, 2017 @ 08:45 PM (EST)

Photojournalist Tim Rock has recently published a new book on the best places to scuba dive in Micronesia. Tim has compiled the 50 best dive sites from the region with over 200 photos and maps including locations such as: Palau, Truk Lagoon, Yap, and Guam––as well as lesser known reefs and atolls. The book is available in print, pdf form, and as an e-book.


Veteran Micronesia based photojournalist Tim Rock has a new and special book now ready in e-book, PDF and print. It is the first in a new series:

The 50 Best Dives in Micronesia: The Ultimate Guide to the Essential Sites by TIM ROCK

This book gives you full details and great images of the best places to scuba dive across the vast expanse of the northwestern Pacific Ocean known as Micronesia, covering such famous locations as, Palau, Truk Lagoon (Chuuk), Yap and Guam and less well-known but just as wonderful destinations like Kosrae, Pohnpei, the Northern Mariana Islands and the Marshall Islands.

Author and photojournalist Tim Rock lives in Micronesia and travels and dives the islands frequently. Here, he gives the reader insight into both the popular sites and those that are a little off-the-beaten-path. He writes about not only the main islands, but the outer reefs and remote atolls too.

This is not just a great reference book, it’s a fun adventure. Page through and imagine diving all the fantastic sites, seeing astonishing seascapes, visiting sunken historical relics and gazing at the amazing marine life and fantastic corals. The whole of Micronesia seems to consist of one top bucket list after another.

This is a great new concept from a veteran dive author and photojournalist. Full color throughout with over 200 photos and maps, the book is the first of a series that will include The 50 Best Dives in the Philippines and in Indonesia.

Available for Kindle and Print at Amazon.com, on Blurb e-book and print, and on iTunes for Apple.



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