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Thresher Shark Birth Caught on Camera
By Angela Messina, January 15, 2015 @ 07:00 PM (EST)
Source: BBC Science and Environment

Researcher Simon Oliver from the University of Chester was stunned to see the image of a thresher shark giving birth in a photograph taken during a standard survey. “I freaked out,” says Oliver, who believes this is the first record of a birth of this species of shark and also possibly “the first record of any oceanic species giving birth.”

The photograph, which was taken by photographer Attila Kaszo in 2013, was just published in the journal Coral Reefs.

Dr. Simon Oliver studies thresher sharks at a seamount (an undersea mountain) and believes that this location could be a pupping ground where pregnant females go to give birth. “We’ve seen lots of [pregnant] females there, so I don't think this is a one-off,” said Oliver. He hopes that the seamount will be designated as a marine protected area.

See the photo here.




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