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Subal ND 700 for Nikon D700
By Matt J. Weiss, December 7, 2008 @ 02:00 AM (EST)

With the SUBAL ND700 SUBAL offers an aluminium housing for the digital SLR-camera Nikon D700.
The camera is mounted on a saddle for precise positioning inside the housing. Ergonomic placement of all important controls provides convenient and comfortable handling of the camera functions.

A 4 mm main-O-ring and the SUBAL QuickLock latching system make it virtually impossible to close the lid if the O-ring is not lying correctly in its groove. Maximum security is assured. Threaded holes on the base and in the top shoe allows mounting of trays, aiming lights or other accessories.
Generous shading of the LCD-monitor provides a bright and clear image.

Three different viewfinder systems are available: standard viewfinder, magnifying GS180° viewfinder and magnifying WS45° viewfinder.

As with all our products choice of materials, machining, surface protection and finish conform with SUBAL´s well known standards of reliability and workmanship. All SUBAL ports with bayonet mount are fitting this housing.


The ND700 shown at DEMA 2008.  






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