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South Korean Police Seize Tonnes of Whale Meat
By Wendy Heller, January 13, 2008 @ 02:00 AM (EST)
Source: Afp.com

Police said they had raided two warehouses in the southeastern port of Ulsan where the refrigerated meat from some 60 Minke whales was found in boxes.

Some 70 people including fishermen, distributors and operators of 46 whale meat restaurants have been brought in for questioning, police said.

"This investigation is still underway. We're not in a position to release further details," a police detective in Ulsan told AFP by phone.

Whale meat can be legally sold in South Korea if the animals were caught by accident in fishing nets in what is known here as a "bycatch."

Each bycatch needs to be reported to the government, with marine police inspecting the whales to determine whether they were caught accidentally or deliberately. Intentional catches are punishable with a jail term of up to three years or a fine of 20 million won (21,000 dollars).



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