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Dive Photo Guide


Shoot The Channel Islands With Annie Crawley This September
By Jason Heller, June 29, 2008 @ 02:00 AM (EST)
Source: Diveintoyourimagination.com


Please join Annie Crawley and friends on one of two trips Southern Islands September 2-6, and/or back to back with the Northern Islands from the 7-10th.

We chartered the Vision, departing from Sea Landing, 300 West Cabrillo Blvd. Santa Barbara, CA at 9:00pm on September 2-6 restocking and then departing for the Northern Islands at 4:00 am on the 7th. 

Southern Islands will be heading to dive San Clemente, Catalina, Santa Barbara and Anacapa Islands. The southern itinerary we are planning will take us diving in kelp forests, with giant sea bass, in the sea lion rookery of SBI & the coral garden at Anacapa.

Northern Islands trip will bring us to San Miguel, Santa Rosa and Santa Cruz. The Northern itinerary will bring us to pinnacles and the hidden secrets of the Northern islands.

The water is the warmest at this time of year, the kids are back in school and we have the islands to ourselves! Each trip is four solid days of diving with or (without) cameras. 

Annie Crawley will be on hand to give lectures on the Channel Islands, creating amazing images (both photography and video) plus she has invited some seasoned image creators and editors to help everyone.  We will have all the latest toys from Light & Motion, Sea & Sea, and Gates, to name a few. 

No whiners are allowed, complainers walk the plank...we dive to have a great time!  Along with the laughter there will be kayaks, whales, dolphins plus more.  Please let us know in advance what your requirements and special needs may be.  The trip is limited to 25 spots plus guests!


This is an all inclusive package. Cost is $875 for Southern Islands and $825 for Northern! Book both trips for $1650! Please email n annie@anniecrawley.com This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it to reserve your spot today!


An example of some of the marine life in the Channel Islands below.


All images by Annie Crawley.

The Vision Channel Islands

Underwater Photo of Kelp

Channel Islands Nudibranch

Channel Islands Soft Coral

Channel Islands Sea lions

Channel Islands Sea Urchins




Backscatter Smart Control Optical TTL Flash Trigger
Sea & Sea MDX-R5II
Nauticam NA-R1
Ikelite Housing for Canon EOS R5 II
Backscatter Hybrid Flash HF-1
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