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Dive Photo Guide


Select Open Spots on 2008 DPG Underwater Imaging Expeditions
By Jason Heller, January 9, 2008 @ 02:00 AM (EST)

Due to some last minute cancellations, we have a few spaces open for both of our 2008 underwater photography & video expeditions.

Come join us, and hone your underwater photography or video skills in one of two very unique and different destinations.

Some of the healthiest and impressive coral in the world, bio-diverse macro critters, unlimited diving in Wakatobi, Indonesia ... or ... Whale Sharks, Schooling Hammerheads, Sealions, Dolphins, Turtles and other pelagic action in the Galapagos.

Please see below for specific details on the very limited availability...and stay tuned for our 2009 DPG Underwater Imaging Expeditions schedule.

The Inaugural DivePhotoGuide Underwater Photo & Video Festival: Wakatobi, Indonesia

DPG Wakatobi Underwater Photo Video Festival

Pelagian (Mar 28 - Apr 4): SOLD OUT

Wakatobi Resort (Apr 4 - Apr 15): Select bungalows available.

Expedition Galapagos 2008: A Final Frontier Adventure with Jason & Wendy Heller

Explorer Ventures Eco-Explorer I: One Cabin Available, and one solo (female) spot available.

Examples of the healthy reefs and photographic opportunities at Wakatobi:

Healthy coral reef
Scuba Diving in Wakatobi
Pygmy Seahorse, Wakatobi

Examples of the extreme and unique big animal life and photographic opportunities in the Galapagos:

Scuba Diving in the Galapagos

Marine Iguanas in the Galapagos



Backscatter Smart Control Optical TTL Flash Trigger
Sea & Sea MDX-R5II
Nauticam NA-R1
Ikelite Housing for Canon EOS R5 II
Backscatter Hybrid Flash HF-1
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