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Seacam Subsea Systems RED One Underwater Housings
By Jason Heller, December 6, 2008 @ 02:00 AM (EST)
Seacam Subsea Systems L.L.C. is pleased to announce the development of two (2) new housings for the Red One Cinema Camera.  The “Red Surf” and the “Red Diver”.  The first to be completed will be the “Red Surf”.  This Shallow Water/Harsh Environment housing is being developed for the Motion Picture and Commercial Film Industry, where swimming pools and water tanks of less than 20ft. in depth are used for filming. 
Used for both “in water” and “near water” activities, the Red Surf is ideally suited for the harsh environments found on most sets.  This lightweight housing will protect the “Red One” from rain, humidity, snow, mud, and sand.  Rocks not included!  If it can get into your camera, you need this housing.  The housing is being constructed of lightweight, yet strong Carbon Fiber materials.  The housing will utilizes a 4” external color monitor as a viewfinder.  The front port will be constructed of “Optical Glass” and will accommodate several “Red” lenses, as well as some Prime Lenses.  The housing will include two (2) “Video Out” ports, for use by the monitor and for “Remote Video”.  An Additional port will accommodate a remote “Record” capability.  

The “Red Diver” will come later in ’09, and will be rated to 250’, and look musk like the “Red Surf”.
For more info check out the Seacam Subsea System website.



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