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SD Card Still Working After a Year Underwater
By Ian Seldrup, May 21, 2014 @ 06:30 PM (EST)
Source: Stratford Observer (UK)

In a typically quaint English tale of a community pulling together for a distressed neighbor, a family in Stratford in the British Midlands is celebrating after retrieving valuable images from an SD card in a camera accidentally dropped into the River Avon one year earlier.

After a specialist diving team from Stratford British Sub Aqua Club failed to fish out the submerged compact with its cache of precious photos from an 18th birthday, contractors were brought in to dredge the river—and lo and behold, the camera was unearthed.

The true heroes of the story, however, were surely the manufacturers of the unspecified brand of SD card—presumably based somewhere in Asia—which delivered its coveted contents after surviving underwater considerably longer one would expect. Whether it would have fared as well in salt water is anybody’s guess...

Read the full story here.



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