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RSMAS Underwater Photo Contest Open
By Hergen Spalink, April 25, 2013 @ 08:14 AM (EST)
Source: Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science

The University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science annually hosts an underwater photo contest that is open to amateur photographers that earn less than 20% of their income from their photography.  Now in its 8th year, the contest generally receives over 400 entries per year from around the world.  The winners will be on display in a touring exhibition.  The categories for this year's contest are:

  • Fish or Marine Animal Portrait
  • Macro
  • Wide Angle
  • Student
  • Best Overall

To find out more and to see the contest rules, visit the website or contact Laura Bracken at 305.421.4207 or lbracken@rsmas.miami.edu.

Below is last year's winner in the Fan Favorite category by Todd Aki of Flordia.



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