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Record for Longest Underwater Cleanup
By Joseph Tepper, April 15, 2013 @ 06:00 AM (EST)
Source: Borneo Post

I hated cleaning up as a kid – and I still do – but these divers sure don’t.

Divers have set the world record for the longest underwater clean up, working 168-consecutive hours to “scrub” a reef off of Borneo clean.

Working in shifts, the team of 134 divers from a 10 countries managed to collect over 3 tons of marine debris from the Tunku Abdul Rahman Marine Park. The cleanup required almost 1200 dives—more than most people will do in their entire lives!

The feat was officially sealed and certified by the Guiness book of world records. What’s next for the diving cleanup team?

I can only speculate—but they may attempt to break the above water record when they take on tidying up my apartment.



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