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NYUPS Meeting Tonight: Fish Portraits
By Joseph Tepper, September 19, 2016 @ 11:46 AM (EST)

If you find yourself in “The City that Never Sleeps” tonight, we suggest you don’t sleep and head over to the September meeting of the New York Underwater Photography Society.

NYC-area underwater photographers will gather at Alpha Fusion Restaurant for a presentation on fish portrait underwater photography from a series of pro-shooters. Then, any and all attendees are encouraged to submit fish portrait images of their own for constructive criticism. As always, all NYUPS meetings are free to attend and photographers of all levels are welcome.

What: NYUPS September Meeting- Fish Portraits    

Where: Alpha Fusion (365 W 34th St, New York, NY 10001)

When: TONIGHT, Monday September 19th, 2016 (7–9 PM)




“The challenge [with fish portraits] is to take the viewer beyond the scales and allow them to see an individual, a creature with character and personality.”  – Alex Mustard

If there’s one word that sticks out in that quote from famed underwater photographer and marine biologist Alex Mustard it is “challenge.” Taking portraits of fish is anything but easy. They are constantly darting around, turning and twisting, making it quite the “challenge” to frame a well-composed and well-lit image—much less one that communicates the subject’s personality.

At the September meeting of NYUPS (Monday, Sept. 19th) we will gather together with a simple goal—to take better fish portraits. The meeting will kick off with a down-and-dirty guide to taking fish portraits that covers the main topics: Photo equipment, composition, and lighting. Several of the groups pro-shooters will also share their secret tip for making fish portraits that stand out from the pack.

Then, we want to see your fish portraits! All attendees are encouraged to submit some recent fish portraits. Feel free to share tips and techniques or to ask for advice on how to improve your imagery. By the end of the meeting you’ll be confident in taking top-notch fish portrait images.


Please email 8–10 fish portrait images to Joe Tepper with the subject line “NYUPS: Fish Portraits.” If you would like to submit videos, please bring them to the meeting as Quicktime files on a flash drive.



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