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New DiveFilm and DiveFilmHD Podcast Videos
By Jason Heller, November 24, 2007 @ 02:00 AM (EST)
Source: Wetpixel.com

DiveFilm Podcast Video is proud to feature a short film that received the prestigious F.F.C.V. (French Federation of Cinema and Video) Prize at the World Festival of Underwater Images in Antibes, France, “One For All” by Leandro Blanco (Episode 48). “This new work is a masterpiece of underwater film, and an inspiration to all of us who love the ocean,” said Mary Lynn Price, DiveFilm’s producer.  Stan Waterman lends his voice to the narration of the most recent release, while Blanco himself narrates the original.

“Green Water, White Mirth," by California filmmaker Mike Boom, has also been released as Epsiode 10 of DiveFilmHD Podcast Video. An audience favorite at the San Diego UnderSea Film Exhibition, Boom’s video captures the curiosity and antics of juvenile harbor seals as they interact with divers, and was shot over only a single dive in Monterey.

DiveFilm Podcast Video is produced in association with Wetpixel.com and are “Featured High Definition Podcasts” and “Featured TV & Film Podcasts” at iTunes...



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