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New York Aquarium Opens Massive Shark Exhibit
By Joseph Tepper, July 5, 2018 @ 01:39 PM (EST)
Source: New York Daily News

There are many reasons to visit New York City’s famed Coney Island boardwalk. Hot dogs? Yes, please. A ride on the 90-year-old Cyclone rollercoaster? Sure! But not after all those hot dogs…

Here’s one more reason: Coney Island is now Chondrichthyes-clad. “Ocean Wonders: Sharks!” has recently opened at the New York Aquarium and hopes to reverse the negative image of the animals held by native New Yorkers and tourists alike.

The exhibit spans nearly 60,000 square feet and features 12 species of sharks. Of note, the sand tiger, sandbar, and nurse sharks on display are native to New York waters and are aimed at promoting the aquarium’s emphasis on local marine ecology. There are also six species of rays and eels. 

For more information on the exhibit visit the New York Aquarium website.



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