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New Reef Ambassador Specialty Certification On Aggressor Trips
By Matt J. Weiss, February 10, 2010 @ 03:10 PM (EST)

The Aggressor Fleet has just alerted us to an interesting new certification that is being exclusively offered on their live-aboards. Here is the press release about the certifiication.

New Reef Ambassador Specialty Certification

Through an exclusive Aggressor Fleet live-aboard program, divers can learn about our  diverse coral reef ecosystems, support future research and earn a Reef Ambassador Specialty Certification. Jean-Michel Cousteau’s Ocean Futures Society, SSI (Scuba Schools International) and Aggressor Fleet have teamed up to create a unique specialty course. Course enrollment costs $150, with a portion of the fee benefitting the Ocean Futures Society, a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. SSI has generously waived all course processing fees. The course is currently offered aboard the Turks & Caicos Aggressor II and Cayman Aggressor IV, but it will soon be available to guests aboard other Aggressor yachts around the world.


During the Reef Ambassador course, divers will learn about the relationships between key marine organisms, the value of reefs to humans, threats to their health and the role that divers can play to preserve the marine environment. The mission of the Ocean Futures Society is exploring our global ocean, inspiring and educating people throughout the world to act responsibly for its protection, documenting the critical connection between humanity and nature, and celebrating the ocean's vital importance to the survival of all life on our planet.

For more information or vacation reservations, call 800-348-2628, or visit www.aggressor.com. You may learn more about Jean-Michel Cousteau’s Ocean Futures Society at www.oceanfutures.org.



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